1. #1
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    Naomi Campbell, Courtney Love, Kevin Spacey, Bono, Jared Leto, Jay-Z, David Geffen

    All Luciferian Pedophiles from hell! All linked to Epstein and some of them like Leto have their own cult island.

    Exposé on the house Epstein had in Isla La Orchila in Venezuela, with the blessing of Hugo Chavez, and later on to a lesser degree... Maduro

    Find that on Google JTScuck!


  2. #2
    JIBBBY's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Nothing surprises me in the Hollyweird circles and with the celebrities.. Cults included.. Reminds me of the NXIVM cult.. Then you got Scientology which is basically a cult and secret society also.


  3. #3
    TheMoneyShot's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    What do you mean by linked to Epstein? In what way?

  4. #4
    spro23's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    stanley kubrick was murdered for exposing the pedophile elite in "eyes wide shut". He was murdered 6 days after he turned in the film, the studio cut out a child rape scene.

    It's why ghislaine maxwell hasn't been arrested, the government doesn't want it getting out that they're all evil phuckers. Trying to make it look like it was just epstein.

  5. #5
    HurryUpAndDrink's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    What do you mean by linked to Epstein? In what way?
    Check my twitter thread with pictures and explanations buddy... I got a lead from one of my Hollywood sources which direct me to some digging and found more than I expected.

    Most women on the Epstein black book/flight log are procurers, they hook girls/boys with Epstein and his clients, or bring new clients themselves. Naomi was the top ranked procurer... Courtney low level... but she did bring Michael Stipe from R.E.M. as a client, the dude is a gay pedo.

    Leto has his own island where he runs a cult and behaves like some kind of "Jesus", Spacey loves to rape children; the teenagers he made a move on is child's play compared to what he did in Venezuela... Such is Geffen, but Geffen doesn't appear on any logs cause he uses his own mega yacht "the Rising Sun" to do his thing... and arrive to islands.

    Branson's island is super close to Epstein's, Branson was a NXIVM member and hosted 2 parties at his Necker island.

    Jay-Z an Alister Crowley fan, a human/weapons trafficker POS

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by spro23 View Post
    stanley kubrick was murdered for exposing the pedophile elite in "eyes wide shut". He was murdered 6 days after he turned in the film, the studio cut out a child rape scene.

    It's why ghislaine maxwell hasn't been arrested, the government doesn't want it getting out that they're all evil phuckers. Trying to make it look like it was just epstein.
    yes, agreed!!

    the scene they left in with Leelee Sobieski is creepy enough

  7. #7
    Vegas Baby!
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    Jared Leto, the guy from the Aerosmith video?

  8. #8
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    Who cares man

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayvegas420 View Post
    Jared Leto, the guy from the Aerosmith video?
    Huh? no clue, I have not seen a new Aerosmith music video since Girls of Summer around 2003... they kinda suck sometimes, love me some good old 70's Aerosmith tho, that shit is crisp!

    Leto is a famous actor and musician with his band 30 seconds to Mars, band sucks btw... I liked his acting in Requiem for a Dream and Lord of War with Nick Cage

  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Who cares man

    Your mother cares!

    Listen bald fukk, you keep shitting on me exposing pedos, maybe you have some skeletons in your closet... threat lightly before I do some research on your ass.

    You don't care? FINE. MOVE ON. I DONT CARE ABOUT 90% OF THE WHORESHIT YOU POST, and you dont see me posting who cares like a momo on every thread of yours.

  11. #11
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    Jared Leto? Jay Leno? Can be confusing...30 Seconds to Tonight Show

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    Ok.... so this child sex stuff is basically on the brink?

    Who's going to spill it?

    This is like a fighter that's on the ropes... gasping for air. One knock out punch from the ground. Who's going to deliver the knock out blow?

    Are we even that close?

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by TheMoneyShot View Post
    Ok.... so this child sex stuff is basically on the brink?

    Who's going to spill it?

    This is like a fighter that's on the ropes... gasping for air. One knock out punch from the ground. Who's going to deliver the knock out blow?

    Are we even that close?

  14. #14
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR PRO
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    We have soccer, football, baseball and ufc to cap. Who cares what Hollywood does? This is a sports gambling forum!!!!

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    Didnt you boast on the forum here about banging one of your teachers as a student?

    Did you turn her into authorities? You seem very involved in the cause here, but wondering if your actions follow your words?

  16. #16
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    Would love to see the pyramid crumble... but let's be realistic... it's been covered up for decades.

    And anyone who gets ready to blab.... gets written off.

  17. #17
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Yes I could care less if they all died today

    Worry about yourself and family

    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    We have soccer, football, baseball and ufc to cap. Who cares what Hollywood does? This is a sports gambling forum!!!!

  18. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Yes I could care less if they all died today

    Worry about yourself and family
    So, you care? Gotcha!

  19. #19
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    you either look like a huge conspiracy nut


    you expose them and somehow you die from slipping on banana peel and it gets swept under the rug

    nothing good can come of it

  20. #20
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    we only care about Elon musk, Lebron & J Lo. you can't have those three.


    -the people

  21. #21
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    dont fall for it hud

  22. #22
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinnesotaFats View Post

    Didnt you boast on the forum here about banging one of your teachers as a student?

    Did you turn her into authorities? You seem very involved in the cause here, but wondering if your actions follow your words?
    you of all people questioning me LMAO

    nope, I was 17 she was 26... I wasn't traumatized, I wanted it, I STARTED IT

    and looking back I dont regret it one bit...

    But yeah, thats not the same as a 66 year old penetrating 12 year olds

    Or a 66 year old pimping 3rd world kids under 12 for the harsher pedos

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    Quote Originally Posted by spro23 View Post
    stanley kubrick was murdered for exposing the pedophile elite in "eyes wide shut". He was murdered 6 days after he turned in the film, the studio cut out a child rape scene.

    It's why ghislaine maxwell hasn't been arrested, the government doesn't want it getting out that they're all evil phuckers. Trying to make it look like it was just epstein.
    long believed fallacy

  24. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by RudyRuetigger View Post
    you either look like a huge conspiracy nut


    you expose them and somehow you die from slipping on banana peel and it gets swept under the rug

    nothing good can come of it

    yeah I hear ya

    But with the Epstein case blown open more people are waking up

    And my efforts validated

    I have a dead man's switch with info that can bring down 3 of the most powerful people in entertainment... I wont publish for safety, but I have it

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by jtoler View Post
    long believed fallacy
    you are like those puppets in the avatar, question is, who's pulling your strings?

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    Quote Originally Posted by HurryUpAndDrink View Post
    you are like those puppets in the avatar, question is, who's pulling your strings?
    explain hudder

  27. #27
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    Business must be slow. Churning out new podcasts every other day. I'm sure lots of top notch investigations going on LMAO

  28. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by HurryUpAndDrink View Post
    you of all people questioning me LMAO

    nope, I was 17 she was 26... I wasn't traumatized, I wanted it, I STARTED IT

    and looking back I dont regret it one bit...

    But yeah, thats not the same as a 66 year old penetrating 12 year olds

    Or a 66 year old pimping 3rd world kids under 12 for the harsher pedos
    So if a 16 yr old starts it, it's ok? 15? 14? So long as they start it?

    I'm not picking a fight I'm just trying to understand where the rational part of your thought process is kicking in.

    If it's human nature and consensual sex then, depending on local values, history, customs etc why is there a determination by law about what is right or wrong?

    Do you hold an opinion on age of drug use? Age of becoming a mother (forced abortion)? Age of voting/ driving/ drinking/ graduating?

    I'm just curious why there's an arbitrary subjective age attached to certain things that has nothing to do common sense.

    And for the record I agree, you should bang your teacher!!!

  29. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinnesotaFats View Post
    So if a 16 yr old starts it, it's ok? 15? 14? So long as they start it?

    I'm not picking a fight I'm just trying to understand where the rational part of your thought process is kicking in.

    If it's human nature and consensual sex then, depending on local values, history, customs etc why is there a determination by law about what is right or wrong?

    Do you hold an opinion on age of drug use? Age of becoming a mother (forced abortion)? Age of voting/ driving/ drinking/ graduating?

    I'm just curious why there's an arbitrary subjective age attached to certain things that has nothing to do common sense.

    And for the record I agree, you should bang your teacher!!!

    Minny hes just posting links looking for donations.

    Plenty of threads on here about him doing drugs and paying for hookers......even taking advantage of over inebriated women. Funny hes trying to take the high road now. If any of his 5-6 paying subscribers would see some of his threads, no more free money.

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by jts1207 View Post
    Minny hes just posting links looking for donations.

    Plenty of threads on here about him doing drugs and paying for hookers......even taking advantage of over inebriated women. Funny hes trying to take the high road now. If any of his 5-6 paying subscribers would see some of his threads, no more free money.
    People pay to listen to him?

  31. #31
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    The link isn't working but it's interesting stuff for sure hurry. Stay safe if there's rly smoke there

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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    People pay to listen to him?

    Its the only reason hes doing it.

    Ask him, if you donate a hundo he will name you as a Producer on his upcoming film

  33. #33
    Grits n' Gravy
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    When drug abuse, parental neglect and mental illness combine you get hurry up and drink.

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    Quote Originally Posted by shadymcgrady View Post
    The link isn't working but it's interesting stuff for sure hurry. Stay safe if there's rly smoke there
    weird, works for me

    and my account isnt private

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by jts1207 View Post
    Its the only reason hes doing it.

    Ask him, if you donate a hundo he will name you as a Producer on his upcoming film
    shut your cokksucker queer

    I started working this since Cornell died, and never saw a cent until 1 month ago

    And it just happened that people suggested I do a podcast and one lady subscribing without me doing it

    Kinda pushed into it... 24 subscribers so far... not bad

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