1. #1
    Auto Donk
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    CONCLUSIVE EVIDENCE of Biteme Superusing!!!!!

    this sorry p o s cannot get out of this one.....

    all the dumbass "mmmkkkaaayyyyys" and "dems" and other idiotic sentence fragments this putrid punk blurts out can't refute this one.....

    PHOTOGRAPHIC EVIDENCE MY P.I. took of this sorry piece of cheating, superusing shit sitting at his computer, on the phone with an SBR employee........

    shouldn't have your f'n address available on the web, u sorry lying dirtbag....

    sbr, ban this piece of shit immediately.

    I have the audiotapes that go with the photos taken by the p.i., as well.....

    now, bitemeShitFacedRoosterMaster, just go away......

    You've been caught red-handed......

    and anyone who's wondering if it's really bitemeShitFacedRoosterMaster, you can easily see it's him in the photo, as he's got a hurt arm (from nonstop jerking off to nasty web porn since the ugly bastard can't get laid and -- much like his poker "game" -- has no skill whatsoever in picking up babes), and the hurt neck (remember how this lowly cheating piece of shit was off the site with an "injury"?) is still readily apparent in the photo...... I actually think the whole neck injury thing that kept this cheater off the site for a while was due to having two extra large Roosters jammed down his throat that had to be surgically removed (but that's another story)......

    so, without further ado, here's everybody's favorite candidate for SBR's "SuperUsing, Cheating, I Can't Win At Poker Unless I'm On The Phone With A SBR Employee" ShitFaced RoosterMaster of the Year Award, "winning" at online poker the only way he knows how to:
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    Last edited by shari91; 03-16-15 at 10:24 AM.

  2. #2
    BiTeMe UsAdOj
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    ... no part of your made up bullshit above is clever or entertaining

    Like Straight Cash told you... go back to the drawing board

    Keep vainly trying to distract from you and ant's PROVEN CHEATING
    Last edited by BiTeMe UsAdOj; 03-16-15 at 09:27 AM.

  3. #3
    USCPHILLYGUY's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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  4. #4
    Auto Donk
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    i liked your reaction to cheating centy out of his chips, actually... you relish stealing from people!
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  5. #5
    BiTeMe UsAdOj
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
    i liked your reaction to cheating centy out of his chips, actually... you relish stealing from people!
    In all seriousness, dude... hire someone to at least come up with something remotely clever/amusing, cuz this lame shit ain't cutting it.

    We all get it... you got caught soft play cheating in a tourney (for real) and you're vainly trying to deflect away from that.

    Hire some High School kid for min wage to write your material... anything would be better than your stuff.

  6. #6
    Auto Donk
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    Quote Originally Posted by BiTeMe UsAdOj View Post
    In all seriousness, dude... hire someone to at least come up with something remotely clever/amusing, cuz this lame shit ain't cutting it.

    We all get it... you got caught soft play cheating in a tourney (for real) and you're vainly trying to deflect away from that.

    Hire some High School kid for min wage to write your material... anything would be better than your stuff.
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  7. #7
    BiTeMe UsAdOj
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
    ... like phillyguy noted... SAD

    Probably should try flipping tt some pts... even he could come up with something more interesting than you... your stuff is pinning the LAME-O-METER

  8. #8
    Auto Donk
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    "lame o meter"

    i win

  9. #9
    BiTeMe UsAdOj
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
    "lame o meter"

    i win
    Yep, you're up on the podium with POS69 and snickerdoodles

    But least you got the GOLD

    Last edited by BiTeMe UsAdOj; 03-16-15 at 11:18 AM.

  10. #10
    Auto Donk
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    game over, fckhed

  11. #11
    horja1's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    you kids

  12. #12
    brainfreeze's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by horja1 View Post
    you kids

  13. #13
    BiTeMe UsAdOj
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    Quote Originally Posted by Auto Donk View Post
    Yeah, you both stiffed bobby out of a lot of points... it's a natural, appropriate match.

    BTW, SBR salooned your weak bullshit; seems they wished you had hired the HS kid or tt, too.

  14. #14
    bobbywaves's Avatar SBR Posting Legend
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    Quote Originally Posted by BiTeMe UsAdOj View Post
    Yeah, you both stiffed bobby out of a lot of points... it's a natural, appropriate match.

    BTW, SBR salooned your weak bullshit; seems they wished you had hired the HS kid or tt, too.
    Yeah, good point. We can also throw StudMLB in that list of degenerates, who stiffed me over 10k: http://www.sportsbookreview.com/foru...-big-loan.html

    But unlike Donkey & Snicker, StudMLB was smart enough to disappear. Instead of being buried on a daily basis.

    It's a petty safe bet Donkey has the most threads salooned in SBR history, & he's only been here 1.5 years. Says a lot about his weak threads & posts.

  15. #15
    Auto Donk
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    too funny, little pussies waves and bitemeSfCm

    email i rec'd said when someone (bitemeSfCm) cries and whines enough about a poker thread being "so mean" to him, and hurtin' his "wittle feewings", and not actually discussing a poker topic, they have to follow the rules and saloon it......

    sorry i hurt your witty bitty feewings, bitemeSfCm...........

    u fcking little cry baby bitch.........

  16. #16
    BiTeMe UsAdOj
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    I've never reported a post... EVER.
    About anything.
    Anybody from SBR can verify this (Opti, DS, Shari, Sam, whomever, please do).

    It appears autotwat is LYING... *AGAIN*.

    Whatta surprise.

    Teams up with proven scammer antfather to cheat everyone in poker tourney, lies in a "consciousness of guilt" post about it, then willfully orchestrates a campaign "to get back at me" by spreading lies about me simply b/c I've got all other SBR members' back and posted the shenanigans he and antfather were pulling in said tourney,, now lies about why his weak ass thread was salooned.

    Tell me... do you EVER tell the truth, Mr. 'Lawyer'?
    Hey, how bout this: Less lying... more paying off your 5k debt to bobby. Ok, welcher?

  17. #17
    Auto Donk
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    here's a skype session of resident pussy bitemeSfCm crying to SBR about me being a "meanie who hoits his widdy biddy feewings....."


    too bad the sbr store quit selling womens' shit, widdy biddy baby bitemeSfCm..... ida got you some SBR tampons you f'n pussy

    ps, mod, thanks for the clip, and yes, I know he's a pathetic trolling pussy
    Last edited by Auto Donk; 03-16-15 at 04:13 PM.

  18. #18
    BiTeMe UsAdOj
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    Donk, you're clearly losing it; the stress of being exposed as an angle shooting cheater is palpably getting to you, as you're running all over SBR posting the exact same lame YT clip over & over & over again.

    Hey, let me help you like ant helped you in that tourney, ok?: Try posting another shirtless pic of yourself and tell us all again how badass you are and how great you are in general (ladies, poker, everything really). That usually helps that deep-down insecure feeling and makes you feel all better again.


  19. #19
    Auto Donk
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    truthfully, bite, that your sorry ass can try to paint me with doing something wrong based on another member's sole decisions and conduct is a sad fckin' statement about yourself, you fkcin' pussy....

    pray that you never come into my presence

  20. #20
    Swinging Johnson
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    For the record..Biter has always been a gentleman to me.

  21. #21
    Triple_D_Bet's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Donk, couple things:

    1) biter doesn't report stuff...like me and others, he values freedom of speech (the concept, not the right as no such right exists on SBR nor should it) enough not to want to censor others' speech, even when he could.

    2) The hand bite posted shows ant clearly soft playing; I (and I'm sure others) don't see it as clear evidence of you soft playing, and I don't completely agree with bite on this one regarding your actions. If it's a clear pattern, then yes I'd expect you to say something either at table or off. As shown though, I don't see anything wrong with your actions at the table.

    3) The above being said, your reaction to this is crazy. Your style of beat downs works well against people like bobbo, who rarely if ever makes sense and often does the work of burying himself....that stuff not only doesn't work against someone who knows what he's talking about like biter, but it loses all humor too. Additionally, the over-the-top reaction makes you seem guilty, as does your insistence that you didn't benefit from the plays. You clearly did; I'm not saying it was intentional on your side, but you benefited, the same as any player benefits from the poor play of another player. Denying it also makes you look guilty.

    Just some friendly advice donker: let this one go, admit you benefited, deny it was intentional, and move on

  22. #22
    brainfreeze's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by Triple_D_Bet View Post
    Donk, couple things:

    1) biter doesn't report stuff...like me and others, he values freedom of speech (

    2) The hand bite posted shows ant clearly soft playing; and I don't completely agree with bite on this one regarding your actions.

    3) The above being said, your reaction to this is crazy.

    Just some friendly advice donker: let this one go, admit you benefited, deny it was intentional, and move on

  23. #23
    BiTeMe UsAdOj
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    truthfully, you never seemed to apply such standards to *yourself* when you were running all around here incessantly calling me a cheat MOONS AGO. (threads, posts, on & on... not a shred of evidence/proof, mind you) Why? Cuz I'm better @ poker than you? Cuz I'm better then most on here? Good reason.

    I have one of the highest pts earned from poker on this site (check it for yourself, plus a real $ cash). Can't possibly be cuz I'm pretty decent @ poker, right? Nooooo. Asshats like you and konck and Benny and other assorted assholios have called me everything in the book: cheater, insider, SBR employee/plant yadda yadda... didn't seem to bother you then. No proof ever offered up, just made up hysteria/bullshit. What kinds of things does that say about YOU?, numbnuts. Prepared to look into that mirror and apply the same analytical standard? Ah yeah... didn't think so.

    I posted factual chat/HH... peeps will draw their own conclusions. Oh, and make no mistake about it... this isn't anything vengeful on my part just cuz you've incessantly/recklessly cast aspersions my way so very often previously; Nope. If I had wanted revenge for all your earlier besmirchments of me, I would've rectified that long time ago. I'm smart, that was easy to solve if I so desired.

    No, instead, I observed soft playing clearly going on in a tourney I was in, and didn't even post about it till other community members encouraged me to do so. So I did. To me, the evidence is crystal clear and I presented it precisely correct in describing exactly the circumstances (ant initiated, you gave tacit approval for it to continue -- "i appreciate it", number of hands between you two were, in fact, soft played... and you 100% benefited). I'd bet money a site like Pokerstars would agree w/me if they investigated that tourney.

    Just FYI: I never pray (not an atheist, just have my own views), AND, be careful what you wish for.

    Oh, and Swinger... I'm always the perfect gentleman and I get along w/next to anyone! Trust me on that, pal.

    Only peeps I have issues with are assholios... cuz I never let them slide. I confront them... always.
    Last edited by BiTeMe UsAdOj; 03-16-15 at 07:37 PM.

  24. #24
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    Best decision of my life was to quit playing SBR Poker. They need to clean it up and ban the cheaters.

  25. #25
    Auto Donk
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    unfortunately, bite, u don't know me.... otherwise you'd know when i said "i appreciate it" you'd know exactly what I meant, and how it should be taken..... two dimensional conversation, much like an email or text, or even ingame chat, doesn't give the reader the benefit of HOW something is said, and what inflection, tone, emotion is behind it..... why text messages, etc., are often are taken the wrong way....

    but if you truly think i was using ingame chat to cheat, you are the dumbest fck on the site............

    and, why do u put the onus on me to call AF out for allegedly soft playing? you sat there on your ass and said nothing....... why not speak up; you're just as f'n culpable as me if there's a duty at a table to call out soft play.....

    lastly, anyone who can explain to me how the fck i benefited from AF's play -- HE FCKIN' FELTED ME, FOR CHRISSAKES, BY CALLING MY ALL - IN ON A SITE THAT IS KNOWN FOR LETTING SHIT WIN -- I am all ears.....

    if he'd have asked me, "do you want protection? i'll raise all-in and blow po69 out of hand," ida said "hell no."

    in essence, i got NO BENEFIT from his unsolicited action, and i'm under no duty, just as your silent ass was under none, to tell a player how he must play me.............
    Last edited by Auto Donk; 03-16-15 at 09:14 PM.

  26. #26
    BiTeMe UsAdOj
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    I have to leave to pick someone up at the airport, but briefly:

    1) You're still having a tough time separating RESULTS from INTENT (you being felted). You're either being deliberately obtuse or you're a dumb mofo ( I'm pretty sure which one)

    2) Others know you benefited and have commented on it (freezer and Trip just recently). DUH. Just in the hand I posted (there were earlier soft play hands, too... prompting "i appreciate it"), antfather let you stay in hand with flush and str8 draws on board with KKK. C'mon man... who u zooming? Not even a min value bet on riv which you call... 100% Clear benefit to you just there. Seriously, who u zooming?

    3) I was unable to chat in poker till just recently. Ask anyone (yis, miller, trip, steve, spur, on & on)... they all observed I haven't been chatting in poker for ~2months. If I had the ability to say something, I would have. Next to everybody that's played w/ me can verify this.

    4) Your silence on my points in my last post speaks... VOLUMES (and I'll take it as stipulation).
    You were having a grand ol time running your diarrhea mouth bout me prior, weren't ya? Now you're not having so much fun tho, are ya? I post factual HH/chat... you always posted "insider cheat!" bullshit/hysterics.

    Sorry you don't like it... dems the facts.

  27. #27
    Bobbywaves is a stiff
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    I have a raging clue.

    Carry on guys

  28. #28
    brainfreeze's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by BiTeMe UsAdOj View Post
    C'mon man... who u zooming?

    Donk could've said... Hey, don't cut me any slack... I won't be cutting you any! almost a sign of disrespect by saying " you need help " to get to a final, but in the spur of the moment, I can see someone saying, thanks appreciate it...if donk catered to it, that one tourney as the soft play was shoved on him, I can't blame him, don't think he conspired, initiated, that... maybe conformed to it, as it was happening ...but I wouldn't place him responsible. Now, I'm sure he has every bodies attention, though I don't think he needs it, he seems to be fairing well on the boards...

  29. #29
    BiTeMe UsAdOj
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    Quote Originally Posted by brainfreeze View Post
    don't think he conspired
    Sometimes all the facts are a tad hidden from public view... tip of iceberg kinda thing... doesn't mean they're not there to be found... know what I mean?

    On a related note: You 'listening', SBR?

  30. #30
    pay Bobby
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    a donkey struts into a mad tiger cage...
    This post was nominated 1 time . To view the nominated thread please click here. People who nominated: BiTeMe UsAdOj

  31. #31
    BiTeMe UsAdOj
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    Quote Originally Posted by downsouth View Post
    I have a raging clue.

    Carry on guys
    So... you mentioned informing Sam about the obvious & various cheating/scams/stiffing *proven* to be done by antfather: Any idea of what SBR is doing to protect the poker/SBR community from this proven cheating stiffing clown?

    I certainly know these guys would be on top of this situation and would get er done:

  32. #32
    Down but not out
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    SBR poker causes more problems than it solves.

    Though, it doesn't really solve any problems.

    So that isn't saying much.

  33. #33
    BiTeMe UsAdOj
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoMoneyMoVaughn View Post
    SBR poker causes more problems than it solves.

    Though, it doesn't really solve any problems.

    So that isn't saying much.
    The majority of the solid, good guys round here are poker guys

    Coupla bad apples in every bunch

  34. #34
    SharpAngles's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    IMO You're spending way too much effort on this. Donk is not going to see the error of his ways no matter how much you two go back and forth and all it's doing is diluting the real problem...getting pos scammers off the site. The more arguing in these threads the less likely anyone at SBR will pay attention or take this seriously. You guys are coming off like a couple drama queens here.

    I applaud you for bringing this evidence to light but let's just wait for SBR to do the right thing rather than confusing the issue with more arguing.

    And Donk,

    Dude, relax for a second and take a breath. I get being defensive but you're clearly in the wrong and burying yourself under more nonsense. I think the best action for you is to distance yourself from the anthole and stop starting ridiculous counter attacks that are fos. What you did or at least were appreciative of is wrong, but I don't think anyone is recommending any real action be taken against you so just relax bud.

  35. #35
    SharpAngles's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Quote Originally Posted by BiTeMe UsAdOj View Post
    So... you mentioned informing Sam about the obvious & various cheating/scams/stiffing *proven* to be done by antfather: Any idea of what SBR is doing to protect the poker/SBR community from this proven cheating stiffing clown?
    Only relevant post in whole thread...

    Do the right thing SBR!

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