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maybe is not the time but.....

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Quote Originally Posted by TonyTall View Post
universe created matter from nothing. not nothing but nothing nothing

nothing before there was nothing

So I guess the logical answer is that god created the universe? When did he create it? Also, who created god? He ALWAYS existed right? I have no idea how or why the universe was created. But let's assume that god did create the universe. What I can't figure out is why god waited so long to send himself down to earth to sacrifice himself for mankind to save us from him. I'm sure it makes perfect sense to most people... but to me it somehow doesn't.


Tony, this may sound a little out there, but your soul lives forever.

When you are home (the after life), you are always learning. Some things can't be learned and have to be experienced.
That's where coming here in the physical body comes into play. You want to learn humility, the struggles of alcohol
dependency and all that comes with it.

There's not a person on this earth who isn't struggling with something.

By sharing your experience with others on this forum, you are actually helping people who are in the same boat.
Those that aren't or were in the same boat, are helping you.


Quote Originally Posted by JohnGalt2341 View Post
So I guess the logical answer is that god created the universe? When did he create it? Also, who created god? He ALWAYS existed right? I have no idea how or why the universe was created. But let's assume that god did create the universe. What I can't figure out is why god waited so long to send himself down to earth to sacrifice himself for mankind to save us from him. I'm sure it makes perfect sense to most people... but to me it somehow doesn't.
My exact issue with the "there is a god" debate. Who created him then. Something nobody can answer except with "he was just there" which isn't gonna fly. I c it as u live and die and nothing more, that's why u should enjoy every day and make everyday a holiday