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Serious STD Question!

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Default Serious STD Question!

ok so ive never been tested for anything before. i would just feel too bad about myself for sleeping with a girl and knowingly not telling her. i mean i already feel bad enough that ive roofied them.

so i got this girl to hang out with me last night that i met in DUI class a week ago. also a side not she has a few tats including some lips tattooed on her ass. and well we went to dinner and had fun. ( meanly because i did all the talking like i normally do on dates ) and then came back to my place. hung out and watched a movie and had a couple drinks. ( nothing over the top for me ) but a stalled out on kissing her ( like i normally do. got to make them wait for anything ) well after a while we started making out and then she explained that she wasnt going to sleep with me that night ( always a good sign youre going to get laid ) because she wasnt going to do that drunk and on the first night hanging out. well she was wrong. after some more jokes and smooth game on my part things get heavy. ( ill keep it real tame so they dont move this to PZ ) well the first 2 times i didnt even get off. ( ill do that sometimes to get girls thinking they need to prove themselves in bed the next time it gets heavy. ) well we pass out for an hour then i wake up for work. i tell her we got to get moving so im not late ( just started a new job so i have to keep the good image that im not a boozing man whore for now ) well sure enough we knock out a little quickie and i drop her off at her place to head to work. all 3 times we got down i went raw ( not really into the whole condoms thing ) well i get to work and feel like im going to throw up all day. was tired too but figured thats from the lack of sleep. get home and its been the same thing. all night. cant eat anything without feeling like im going to throw up.

anyone know if its just from the booze and lack of sleep? or is this the beginning stages of something much worse?


Quote Originally Posted by Nats' Fan View Post
The symptoms you are describing have nothing to do with an std. The incubation period for any std is at least a few days. However, don't raw dog with random chicks. Take it from me, I've had the clap.
i hope youre right. probly just the lack of sleep the past week. but i know i normally try to wrap it up with girls that put out on the first night but sometimes it doesnt happen


Quote Originally Posted by shaggy3000 View Post
i hope youre right. probly just the lack of sleep the past week. but i know i normally try to wrap it up with girls that put out on the first night but sometimes it doesnt happen
If you have the clap, your dick will start dripping in about 5-7 day. If you have herpes, you'll get blisters there within 7 day. Any of the serious stuff wouldn't show up for quite awhile. If you're really worried about it though, talk to the girl about her history. If you suspect she's lying, go get tested in about 2 weeks.


My guess is hangover/lack sleep/dehydration. But you really should look into that whole condom thing. Pregnancy is one thing(keep on hand supply of morning after pills) but some std's are easily transferable and do not go away easy. Especially banging tattooed chicks raw dog that you barely know(if she let's you, she let's other people and that's how herpes is spread)
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saw the pic of the broad in your ncaa thread.
she is pretty smart looking. surprised to hear she has tats on her ass
and slept with a guy she met in DUI class on the first "date".

either you have all the charm or she's just a pig


trust me i was shock as hell too when i found out about the ass tat.

but yeah i do have plenty of charm snowball. ( if you can find out what gets them laughing and throw in a few complements and an insult theyre 80% naked by then. ) she parties a lot i think but also lives and stays at her parents house a lot so i dont know. doubt im the only guys she is currently sleeping with but im working on making it so she isnt the only girl im sleeping with. once i get off curfew ill post a bunch more pics. I HOPE!!!