Originally Posted by
Reason being there wasn't a need for a detailed write up, I don't just scan stat sheers and box scores, i try to watch and pay attention to as many MLB, and NFL games as possible, i don't attend many live events any longer, the money saved by not attending live I put into put into premium streaming here, I've bought the entire deluxe MLB package for many years, and now YouTube has the NFL ticket, and since they are offering me a tremendous discount via a promo, that's the way we're going ro get our NFL this upcoming season.
Point being you can only get an overview of a game by just looking at the printed data, if watch and pay attention to what the Nuggers do, game in game out, you know that Gordon is a ridiculously underrated rebounder good for six or seven a game, and score about 18.points.
That's all I needed to write up tonight.
Thar the book hung another soft regarding points/rebounding, he's been averaging about 24 total, and the book still hangs over/under of 18.
That' all the braking down that's needed her.
Appreciate those words Jerky, and yes I have this passion for sports, and creative writing, when my organized team sports playing days ended when i was 21, that's when I decided to combine the sports with the writing, took everything to the next level, eight years ago built a blog site over at WordPress, eight years later I'm still tweaking that.
To me, receiving sincere positive feedback in regards to the content I crate, that to me makes the effort worth while.
And in some spects, those words are better than a paycheck
There's a lot of truth to the age old adage, "if you really enjoy what you do, you'll never have to work another day of your life"