1. #36
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    if you want to bitch about inflation, where was the batching when we were printing money out of thin air to bail out airlines.

  2. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by captrobey View Post
    Fast food places are not meant for people who are trying to make a living with their families. It is for younger kids trying to earn some pocket cash . Or people just trying to make some extra spending money.

    Problem is you have kids not doing crap in school that graduate learning zero skills (No child left behind BS ) and does not know enough to get a normal job like others have . So all that is left are these fast food jobs where they will hire anybody. And it shows at times when you get your order which is wrong a ton of times.
    its also for people who messed up in life and end up doing their time in prison but then get black balled in the workforce. Instead of being welcomed back in the workforce

  3. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by wikkidinsane View Post
    if you want to bitch about inflation, where was the batching when we were printing money out of thin air to bail out airlines.
    It was worth it i got peanuts when i flew before on American . And a free soda.

  4. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by captrobey View Post
    It was worth it i got peanuts when i flew before on American . And a free soda.

  5. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by wikkidinsane View Post
    its also for people who messed up in life and end up doing their time in prison but then get black balled in the workforce. Instead of being welcomed back in the workforce
    Yea but it cannot be that many in that situation. I mean ok lets walk into a Burger King and said "How many of you are working here having been in prison" how many do you think there would be? Probably one here and there but i would not think many.

  6. #41
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    The state determines your weekly benefit payments based on your previous earnings during employment. In 2020, you can receive a maximum of $275 per week for 12 weeks. You are entitled to a maximum benefit amount of $3,300.

  7. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by wikkidinsane View Post
    No really i did i got a soda and peanuts. I even got an iced tea the 2ND time down the aisle. See what they do is since they did not have iced tea they take the hot tea and put it into a cup with ice creating iced tea . Then i put spenda in it and i was all set. Later the plane crashed and they gave me a 15% off the next flight . American is awesome .

  8. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by MinnesotaFats View Post
    The federal government renewed it 3xs for over 55 weeks of eligibility @ $25,000 per year federal PLUS State ($30k overall)

    Tack on a eviction moratorium and mortgage deferrals and here ya go.

    NOW, I have another theory here.

    Child support.

    I think that ALOT of dudes lost jobs last year and fell behind on support. Working no longer makes sense if they're garnishing all your wages at this point.

    Need child support reform
    ok so you say the feds renewed it three times. its a dumb movie if the workers are quitting because of this. they should have done it at the start of the benefits right? something else is happening man.

  9. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by wikkidinsane View Post
    I hope all the fast food workers quit, so you lazy penetrates can actually cook your food for once
    Lol. Some logic to this post. Cooking at home is where it is at, you save money and eat more healthy if you take the time to learn. Fast food is pure garbage to the system.

  10. #45
    Mr KLC
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    Companies adapt. The amount extra that it costs for higher wages is eventually going to go to technology to remove those jobs, or into the price of the product. The restaurants will not suffer.

  11. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mr KLC View Post
    Companies adapt. The amount extra that it costs for higher wages is eventually going to go to technology to remove those jobs, or into the price of the product. The restaurants will not suffer.

  12. #47
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    you know how far away we are from robots taking over most aspects of fast food restaurants? There will be push back from mom and pop restaurants and I would only eat there

  13. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by wikkidinsane View Post
    you know how far away we are from robots taking over most aspects of fast food restaurants? There will be push back from mom and pop restaurants and I would only eat there

  14. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by Booya711 View Post
    The liberal way…why work when the government will take care of you???
    Shortsighted view per usual from you. Don’t look at the real underlying problems to this just look at your narrative view only. Couldn’t expect less

  16. #51
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    Quote Originally Posted by captrobey View Post
    I agree totally. I don't think there are many people that are graduating College or High School even going out into the real world that say Wow now i can finally fulfill my lifelong childhood dream of working at Mcdonalds and doing the fry Machine.

    I worked at Roy Rodgers when i was a kid at the mall. I was fine with that. Now if someone graduates college and wants to Manage a fast food place i am sure that would pay decent i would think. And i am fine with them making a bit more but they have to earn it. Start at $10 . After being there a year and they learn more skills to do more things other then flip a burger give them $11 . This makes them work harder for their pay and show up more. If they are always calling in sick and not showing up keep them at $10 a year later. Only the decent workers get the raises.

    If i ran a fast food place i would have no issue paying someone $16-$17 an hour if they have been there 6 years and have always shown up when they should and have been a great employee. After 6 years that person would also know pretty much everything that needs to be done there. You know the turnover there is high so workers that are good are valuable.
    You do realize 10 dollars a hour for a full time person is going to get 280 dollars a week after taxes? They would never stick around 6 years to get to 16-17 unless they were insane. I think you guys look at things like this in the wrong way. If COL goes up then the only way to match that is wages need to rise. If they don’t then people are not going to work 160 hours a week and still not afford their rent. So people can say “oh these people don’t work because the government will pay them” but to be honest do you blame them? It’s a fail on society’s part in a way to not make life affordable for some. This is the wrong place to discuss this though because we have some stubborn fukks on this site that only see what’s in front of them and what they do and can’t see out of that bubble
    Last edited by goduke; 07-22-21 at 03:36 PM.

  17. #52
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Bottom line raise wages

  18. #53
    contra spem spero
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    pay better

  19. #54
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    You get what you pay for. I f you pay $7.50 an hour so that the CEO can make 3 million a year then you can't get any "slaves" to work for you.

  20. #55
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    industries are cutting jobs left and right because they figured they can make more profit and screw workers

  21. #56
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    Early stages of communism is all prepare accordingly

  22. #57
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    You have to make at least $15 an hour now any job or don’t work

  23. #58
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    people making say 30k a year off a job. if they quit they probably get 8k of that, and that if the unemployment in their states last 26 weeks. some are 12 weeks . that stay out of work argument on purpose is bs. a 1 bedroom 1 bath in the hood is 1k a month in fl

  24. #59
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    Quote Originally Posted by goduke View Post
    You do realize 10 dollars a hour for a full time person is going to get 280 dollars a week after taxes? They would never stick around 6 years to get to 16-17 unless they were insane. I think you guys look at things like this in the wrong way. If COL goes up then the only way to match that is wages need to rise. If they don’t then people are not going to work 160 hours a week and still not afford their rent. So people can say “oh these people don’t work because the government will pay them” but to be honest do you blame them? It’s a fail on society’s part in a way to not make life affordable for some. This is the wrong place to discuss this though because we have some stubborn fukks on this site that only see what’s in front of them and what they do and can’t see out of that bubble
    Yes i know that. I am talking mainly though about the people that never applied themselves that only were able to get these kind of jobs. If that is all they are qualified to do then i would not mind them moving up the ladder to actually be able to make some sort of living out of a job like that. This would not apply to most of them that are kids trying to just make a buck or college kids trying to make a few extra bucks .

  25. #60
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Bottom line raise wages
    $15 is enough. Can't turn a profit without raising prices on the products. It's a bottom level job.

    Hire illegals if need be, we have millions pouring in now thanks to Biden open borders.

    The illegals will work for $5 and hour under the table and work harder if you pay them in cash.

    Give them a fake ID and fake Social and put them to legit work for fast food jobs . Can get both in LA, California for 100 bucks on the streets. They pass out fake ID's and Social Security cards like candy to little kids.

  26. #61
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    Quote Originally Posted by wikkidinsane View Post
    you're one lucky sob. A couple hundred thousand weren't as lucky as you. go play the lottery. The fact you called it a scamdemic says a lot.
    PPP loans were the lottery win for restaurant operators/owners(some)...no payroll, no rent/mortgage interest, for many months...and the loan is forgivable...

    Many restaurants recorded record profits even with a decrease in sales. And now they are able to increase prices and operate with less labor with reduced operating hours coupled with the increase in 3rd party delivery services...

  27. #62
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    Quote Originally Posted by coop-dog View Post
    Early stages of communism is all prepare accordingly

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