1. #36
    Leave of absence until March Madness
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    Quote Originally Posted by Al Masters View Post
    Now if I were the cook.. I’d approach the the thief and read him the riot act.
    or if that didn’t work a physical warning…I’d much rather be known as the guy
    who caught a waiter stealing and warned him or knocked him out rather then
    all the employees saying and thinking Al the cook is a snither.
    you cant knock someone out at sbr bro

  2. #37
    Leave of absence until March Madness
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    Quote Originally Posted by Al Masters View Post
    Synonyms for snitch

    Synonyms: Noun

    Rudy do you consider yourself any of the above?
    opposite of betrayer

    deep throat...NO BRO


    stoolie....maybe about 2 years ago but just watch Stoolie Streams, One bite pizza, and The Dozen trivia now

    whistle-blower....thats white collar....yes i would be.

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