1. #1
    Otters27's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Did Trump really Watermark the Real Ballots?

    What are the chances this is true

    She says either he’s totally nuts or he’s 100% right Trump knew all along they were going to cheat. But if you catch them in advance of a crime you can not expose it to the public and they can deny it. This cheating has been going on for decades. They watched the 2018 elections and observed how they cheated. They let them cheat to take the House so they could let them think they got away with it. That is why Trump said the Senate was the key. He did not care about the congress. It was best to let the public see how crazy the Dems and Nancy were when they were in charge. It did not matter as the Senate was the key He exposed them by letting them cheat to get control of the house in 2018. Trump wants to end it so he set a trap. He made an executive order in 2018 that all Federal elections are a national security issue. All the resources of the16 intelligence agencies have been monitoring the fraud. They have been documenting and recoding everything. When Trump took Florida and Ohio big time he was speeding to an election landslide. They could not let that happen. They stopped the counting in the middle of the night in the key Democratic controlled states and told all the counters to take a break. Then at 4 am while they are all on break the 128,000 ballots all 100 % for Biden (Statically impossible) were delivered to be counted. Same thing for Wisconsin. Trump knows this and has had the National security agencies who had spies in there document everything. Now when he goes to the Supreme court he has all the evidence. Trump has never tweeted anything that he has no evidence of. He has always told the truth. That is why he looks so confident. He has caught them in the act. If you saw his 2 am speech he was smiling like he was so happy they caught them. He mentioned at 2 am about a 4 am drop of Ballots, he was signaling he already knew what they would do. He said he wants to make sure they never do this again to any president. Do not worry Trump has already won, what you are seeing is the theater playing out. It has all been planned for and scripted. I believe we are still going to take the house. There are still 14 congressional seats where the Republican challengers against the incumbent Dems have the Republicans leading. I believe this time the cheating will be reversed and people will be prosecuted and made examples of since they have been recording and documenting everything. Do not watch mainstream news; they are all lying and distorting the facts. They called Michigan for Biden but the Michigan elections board officially shows Trump with an insurmountable 3.5% lead. They know they can not win but they are hoping to cause enough confusion. Trump will have to go to court and they know the judges Trump appointed will rule in favor of Trump, Then the next four years they can say he stole the election , he is illegitimate as his appointed judges gave him the election. This is the narrative they want to spin. Trump knew in advance what they would do. That is why it was so important to have Amy Coney Barret appointed ahead of time. By claiming he stole the election they can obstruct him over the next 4 years like they did the first time. But that is not going to work this time. Trump has a plan and watch it play out. He has asked for a recount which they will fight. He had the real ballots marked before hand with a secrete water mark, The forged ballots do not have this. So in the recount they will sort out the real ones from the fake one. Trump was prepared. He knew Biden was in China's pocket, His NSA told him what was going on at the Houston Chinese consulate that is why he ordered it closed 6 months ago and there were reports of them burning papers in the yard when he announced the closure. That is where they were storing the forged ballots to turn Texas Blue on election day. What better place to store fake ballots then at a foreign consulate where you can not get a warrant to search because of diplomatic immunity. Because of closing this consulate Texas remained Red. So the intelligence agencies have been doing their job behind the scenes. So do not worry we already won we are just watching a movie play out. That is why Trump always says grab the popcorn and enjoy the show.

    Hope this plays out.

  2. #2
    d2bets's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Just how dumb does someone have to be to believe this?
    This post was nominated 2 times . To view the nominated thread please click here. People who nominated: Hot Jerry, and bigtymer56

  3. #3
    Please don't feed the trolls
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    Quote Originally Posted by d2bets View Post

    Just how dumb does someone have to be to believe this?
    I went to bed after watching CNN people shaking in their boots and Trump having been -750. I wake up and all of a sudden Biden is -300. The fraud will be exposed, whether it saves Trump or not, it will save future elections.

  4. #4
    Slow roll
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    This has been proven to be bogus.

    It was a conspiracy started by, unsurprisingly, QAnon.
    It has been fact checked and proven to be false.


    Seems as though there are a lot of conspiracy theories getting started in attempts to discredit the results of the election, regardless of who wins. I guess desperation is setting in.

    99.9% of these conspiracy theories are easily discovered as baseless just by googling the topic and looking for an independent, non-partisan website that states if it they are real or not (i.e. not CNN, MSNBC, FoxNews, QAnon, Brietbart, etc...)

  5. #5
    Hot Jerry
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  6. #6
    Huck Fobos
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  7. #7
    Ghenghis Kahn
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    I doubt it but people that use factcheck or Snopes are mentally indolent brainwashed morons. Having said that, QAnon is a pysop.

  8. #8
    The Kraken
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    If Trump watermarked ballots, he’ll be sitting behind bars soon

  9. #9
    contra spem spero
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    what is this national treasure poop going on here

  10. #10
    Leave of absence until March Madness
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ghenghis Kahn View Post
    I doubt it but people that use factcheck or Snopes are mentally indolent brainwashed morons. Having said that, QAnon is a pysop.

  11. #11
    HAPPY BOY's Avatar
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    man that be great

  12. #12
    Chi_archie's Avatar SBR PRO
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    yes not only water marks but a special invisible ink that can not be washed off it will turn bright neon purple on Thanksgiving day.

    It is activated only by the hands of people that have diddled children in their lives, and then touched a ballot. and Trump will release the resin compound in the air that will activate the dye on Thanksgiving day if he is not elected President and cannot continue his work against Pedos in office. The ballots themselves will send encrypted signals to state law enforcement officers to notify them of positive results.

    Thanksgiving dinners are going to get awkward and filled with handcuffs around the country

  13. #13
    chargers4222's Avatar
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    Otters, get a grip brother.

  14. #14
    capitalist pig
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    Did some of you forget your ballot comes from your county not the federal government, and every county has different ballots

  15. #15
    Otters27's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by chargers4222 View Post
    Otters, get a grip brother.
    I didn't write that. My friend texted me that. Just getting the forum perspective

  16. #16
    Tom, What do I do now?
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    Have to figure if they can put a man on the moon back in the 60's, they can figure out how to have a legitimate vote by 2020? And Krackhead has seen all these weapons too.......lol

  17. #17
    burdman's Avatar
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    Who gives a crap? It doesn’t matter? You going to check 150 ballots.

    What a riot

  18. #18
    clockwise1965's Avatar
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    Of course not!

  19. #19
    d2bets's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Otters27 View Post
    I didn't write that. My friend texted me that. Just getting the forum perspective
    No offense, but if your initial reaction was not to LOL then you need to reevaluate your judgment.

  20. #20
    EmpireMaker's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crusherrr View Post
    I went to bed after watching CNN people shaking in their boots and Trump having been -750. I wake up and all of a sudden Biden is -300. The fraud will be exposed, whether it saves Trump or not, it will save future elections.

    There is no fraud you moron. A large percentage of Democrats sent their votes in by mail because they didn't want to risk getting exposed to COVID (which Trump mishandled worse than anyone else in the World). The GOP Governors in those states mandated that the mail-in votes couldn't start to be processed until election day even if they had arrived days before.

  21. #21
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    DJT is making up excuses and spitting them all out there hoping that one of them will stick. This is utter desperation, coupled with a petulant child throwing all of his tos out of the stroller.

  22. #22
    What are the traits of an EVIL person?
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crusherrr View Post
    I went to bed after watching CNN people shaking in their boots and Trump having been -750. I wake up and all of a sudden Biden is -300. The fraud will be exposed, whether it saves Trump or not, it will save future elections.
    Were you watching John King? If YES, then you should have known why Trump got so many early votes and why Biden got so many late votes.

    Here's the summary that could have made you some nice money betting Live.

    "The majority of rural in person votes are being counted first. The mail in ballots and the major counties are being counted last."

  23. #23
    contra spem spero
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    i don't think trump can even tie his own shoes let alone watermark some ballots cmon man

  24. #24
    dark star
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    Keep reaching.....reach for the stars my man
