1. #1
    I slipped Tricky Dick a hit of LSD!
    PAULYPOKER's Avatar
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    Lets figure this COVID INTENTIONAL JARGON out together!

    I'm sick and tired of the lies Authorities have been feeding us from the get go,
    inciting political division to the point of hatred in order to divert us from the
    the realities of this pandemic

    The rules.

    Rules are simple for those of you who are open minded
    but extremely hard for those of you who are Diehard Right or Left.

    First and foremost:

    1.Leave your fukking political views at the DOOR!!!

    2.Conjecture, No jumping to conclusions without at least some critical evidence
    in the form of numbers to point us there and agree on.(we're not going to figure
    these anomalies out to exact figures but we'll be close enough to the
    truth to make an educated guess.

    3.Keywords that are not aloud:
    or any other political derogatory lingo.

    5.Last but not least the math is where all our answers
    are going to come from as numbers have no political lean
    last time I checked.

    No media is allowed as all it is, is lies from every fukkin source.

    Here is what I don't believe to get us started.
    COVID case numbers seem to be suppressed especially the Serious/Critical in hospitals across the entire US..

    Since the beginning I noticed that "active cases" were and are especially now growing mold in limbo waiting for an outcome.

    Just look at the numbers as they scream discrepancies!Yes plural!

    There is no way in Hell that there are only 15,457 Serious/Critical
    cases in hospitals across the entire US while there are a mind blowing
    1,631,385 Active cases in LIMBO for what seems like eternity.

    There are actually more active cases than there are "recovered" cases.

    We have 1,631,385 54% Active cases VS. 1,393,256 46% Recovered cases.

    Just look at those numbers as they do not jive period.

    Also people are in the hospital for up to 120 days so far and this info came from
    posters who personally witnessed it.

    They are putting people in medically induced comas,you name it..

    A big chunk of those actives have to be patients in the hospital because of this.

    Throughout history Governments ALWAYS HEAVILY suppress/suppressed the actual the truth to keep civil unrest to the minimum.

    This time it is not working because it is clearly making it worse causing people to
    question the severity of it..

    Vandalising department stores ripping MASKS off the shelves,you name it.

    The most medically retarded thing health authorities are doing is taking temperatures at the entrance of public businesses like if someone is going
    to have a fukkin fever and not know it.

    If you have a fever you're not going to go out and have a good time,Lol.....

    Last edited by PAULYPOKER; 07-09-20 at 10:48 AM.

  2. #2
    Go Get Laid Man!
    funnyb25's Avatar SBR PRO
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    You can have a fever and not know it. Very common actually.

  3. #3
    Go Get Laid Man!
    funnyb25's Avatar SBR PRO
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    I prolly should not have said that. PAULYPANIC now on his way to the store to buy a thermometer.

  4. #4
    I slipped Tricky Dick a hit of LSD!
    PAULYPOKER's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by funnyb25 View Post
    You can have a fever and not know it. Very common actually.
    Even if you do eventually have a fever down the road from initial point of infection, you've already passed COVID on to god only knows how many.

    US still arguing while obliterating it's own record of cases per day to over 70.000 which is more than the TOTAL COVID cases of 188 COUNTRIES.

    # Country,
    Tot Cases/
    1M pop
    1M pop
    1M pop
    1 Saint Pierre Miquelon 2 +1 1 1 345 5,793
    2 Anguilla 3 3 0 200 305 20,325 15,006
    3 St. Barth 6 6 0 607 507 51,326 9,878
    4 Caribbean Netherlands 7 7 0 267 424 16,165 26,229
    5 British Virgin Islands 8 1 7 0 265 33 439 14,519 30,236
    6 MS Zaandam 9 2 7
    7 Western Sahara 10 1 8 1 17 2 597,595
    8 Montserrat 11 1 10 0 2,204 200 61 12,220 4,992
    9 Papua New Guinea 11 8 3 1 7,147 799 8,950,487
    10 Vatican City 12 12 0 14,981 801
    11 Falkland Islands 13 13 0 3,733 1,393 400,057 3,482
    12 Greenland 13 13 0 229 4,577 80,619 56,773
    13 Saint Kitts and Nevis 17 +1 15 2 319 651 12,235 53,209
    14 Dominica 18 18 0 250 623 8,654 71,991
    15 Laos 19 19 0 3 19,836 2,725 7,277,959
    16 New Caledonia 21 21 0 74 9,045 31,674 285,567
    17 Saint Lucia 22 19 3 120 2,002 10,901 183,650
    18 Grenada 23 23 0 204 5,465 48,562 112,537
    19 Timor-Leste 24 24 0 18 1,568 1,189 1,318,957
    20 Curaçao 25 +2 1 24 0 152 6 1,080 6,581 164,112
    21 Fiji 26 +5 18 8 29 4,000 4,461 896,616
    22 St. Vincent Grenadines 29 29 0 261 1,023 9,220 110,950
    23 Belize 33 +3 2 20 11 83 5 2,499 6,282 397,778
    24 Saint Martin 43 3 37 3 1 1,112 78 851 22,001 38,680
    25 Macao 46 45 1 71 4,071 6,268 649,540
    26 French Polynesia 62 60 2 221 4,649 16,547 280,952
    27 Gambia 64 +1 3 34 27 26 1 3,573 1,478 2,417,726
    28 Turks and Caicos 66 +11 2 11 53 1,704 52 870 22,464 38,729
    29 Antigua and Barbuda 74 +1 3 57 14 1 755 31 860 8,780 97,950
    30 Sint Maarten 78 15 63 0 1,819 350 523 12,195 42,888
    31 Bhutan 80 55 25 104 26,569 34,424 771,816
    32 Liechtenstein 84 1 81 2 2,203 26 900 23,603 38,131
    33 Barbados 98 7 90 1 341 24 8,655 30,116 287,385
    34 Seychelles 100 +6 11 89 1,017 98,363
    35 Aruba 105 3 98 4 983 28 3,007 28,161 106,779
    36 Bahamas 107 +1 11 89 7 1 272 28 2,501 6,358 393,339
    37 Monaco 108 4 96 8 2,752 102 16,200 412,749 39,249
    38 Trinidad and Tobago 133 8 120 5 95 6 5,776 4,127 1,399,617
    39 Brunei 141 3 138 0 322 7 29,841 68,195 437,585
    40 Cambodia 141 131 10 1 8 43,198 2,583 16,724,302
    41 Bermuda 150 +1 9 137 4 1 2,409 145 13,440 215,831 62,271
    42 Gibraltar 180 176 4 5,343 15,748 467,425 33,691
    43 Lesotho 184 +50 1 26 157 86 0.5 5,206 2,430 2,142,691
    44 Faeroe Islands 188 188 0 3,847 21,918 448,514 48,868
    45 Guadeloupe 190 +6 14 157 19 4 475 35 11,538 28,836 400,126
    46 Burundi 191 1 118 72 16 0.08 749 63 11,895,977
    47 Cayman Islands 201 1 197 3 3,057 15 26,177 398,184 65,741
    48 Mongolia 227 197 30 3 69 26,536 8,092 3,279,446
    49 Eritrea 232 107 125 65 3,547,553
    50 Martinique 255 +6 15 +1 98 142 5 680 40 375,256
    51 Guyana 290 +4 16 134 140 6 369 20 3,112 3,956 786,657
    52 Comoros 314 7 272 35 361 8 869,957
    53 Botswana 314 1 31 282 1 133 0.4 47,860 20,344 2,352,566
    54 Myanmar 326 +7 6 256 64 6 0.1 89,913 1,652 54,419,525
    55 Isle of Man 336 24 312 0 3,951 282 7,031 82,674 85,045
    56 Mauritius 342 10 330 2 269 8 193,561 152,191 1,271,830
    57 Vietnam 369 350 19 1 4 275,000 2,825 97,360,927
    58 Syria 394 +22 16 +2 126 252 23 0.9 17,508,147
    59 Taiwan 451 +2 7 438 6 19 0.3 78,212 3,284 23,818,028
    60 Angola 458 +62 23 +1 117 318 6 14 0.7 10,000 304 32,880,526
    61 Tanzania 509 21 183 305 7 9 0.4 59,760,366
    62 Réunion 571 +5 3 472 96 3 638 3 35,419 39,553 895,481
    63 Channel Islands 577 47 512 18 3,318 270 21,388 122,987 173,904
    64 Namibia 668 +53 1 +1 25 642 1 263 0.4 12,789 5,031 2,541,865
    65 Malta 674 9 658 7 1,526 20 105,683 239,331 441,577
    66 San Marino 699 42 656 1 20,599 1,238 5,729 168,833 33,933
    67 Togo 710 +6 15 494 201 2 86 2 34,610 4,179 8,282,230
    68 Diamond Princess 712 13 651 48 4
    69 Suriname 726 +32 18 +1 481 227 4 1,237 31 1,244 2,120 586,766
    70 Sao Tome and Principe 727 +1 14 284 429 3,316 64 1,901 8,671 219,243
    71 Jamaica 753 +2 10 605 138 254 3 27,836 9,399 2,961,527
    72 Andorra 855 52 803 0 11,065 673 3,750 48,532 77,269
    73 Chad 874 +1 74 789 11 53 5 16,433,054
    74 Zimbabwe 942 +16 13 +1 320 609 63 0.9 87,264 5,869 14,867,835
    75 Liberia 963 +6 47 +5 400 516 190 9 5,059,825
    76 Georgia 973 +5 15 846 112 5 244 4 134,250 33,656 3,988,931
    77 Uruguay 985 +8 29 886 70 1 284 8 77,259 22,239 3,474,070
    78 Uganda 1,006 +6 938 68 22 221,675 4,844 45,760,772
    79 Cyprus 1,013 +3 19 839 155 839 16 167,394 138,618 1,207,591
    80 Montenegro 1,019 19 320 680 1,622 30 16,183 25,766 628,068
    81 Burkina Faso 1,020 +15 53 862 105 49 3 20,912,411
    82 Niger 1,099 +2 68 978 53 45 3 6,636 274 24,216,397
    83 Mozambique 1,111 +19 9 344 758 36 0.3 38,010 1,216 31,269,113
    84 Latvia 1,165 +11 30 1,019 116 1 618 16 165,610 87,835 1,885,464
    85 Jordan 1,173 +4 10 986 177 3 115 1.0 454,575 44,541 10,205,671
    86 Tunisia 1,240 +9 50 1,067 123 105 4 76,418 6,464 11,821,683
    87 Rwanda 1,252 +42 3 635 614 97 0.2 176,260 13,603 12,957,789
    88 Eswatini 1,257 +44 18 +1 633 606 5 1,083 16 14,247 12,277 1,160,462
    89 Benin 1,285 +86 23 +2 333 929 1 106 2 56,613 4,668 12,128,472
    90 Libya 1,342 38 307 997 195 6 33,734 4,908 6,873,459
    91 Yemen 1,380 +24 364 +3 630 386 46 12 120 4 29,838,325
    92 Hong Kong 1,404 +38 7 1,187 210 2 187 0.9 347,400 46,329 7,498,560
    93 New Zealand 1,542 +2 22 1,497 23 308 4 424,719 84,908 5,002,100
    94 Cabo Verde 1,591 +39 19 +1 730 842 2,861 34 39,485 70,999 556,135
    95 Sierra Leone 1,613 +15 63 1,133 417 202 8 7,980,179
    96 Slovenia 1,793 +17 111 1,429 253 862 53 113,864 54,770 2,078,947
    97 Guinea-Bissau 1,842 +52 26 +1 773 1,043 5 936 13 1,500 762 1,968,837
    98 Lithuania 1,861 +4 79 1,569 213 15 684 29 455,833 167,530 2,720,902
    99 Slovakia 1,870 +19 28 1,481 361 3 343 5 225,950 41,385 5,459,721
    100 Iceland 1,886 +4 10 1,859 17 5,526 29 94,731 277,558 341,302
    101 Zambia 1,895 42 1,348 505 1 103 2 56,825 3,090 18,392,000
    102 Estonia 2,013 +2 69 1,894 50 1 1,517 52 111,466 84,026 1,326,561
    103 South Sudan 2,021 38 333 1,650 180 3 10,824 967 11,196,893
    104 Congo 2,028 +207 47 589 1,392 367 9 5,520,456
    105 Malawi 2,069 +127 31 +6 379 1,659 4 108 2 18,814 983 19,138,252
    106 Lebanon 2,082 +71 36 1,402 644 11 305 5 164,616 24,121 6,824,464
    107 Mali 2,404 +34 121 +1 1,650 633 119 6 16,317 805 20,259,696
    108 Cuba 2,413 +10 86 2,249 78 4 213 8 198,675 17,541 11,326,407
    109 Sri Lanka 2,454 +300 11 1,980 463 1 115 0.5 114,765 5,359 21,415,754
    110 Maldives 2,617 +64 13 2,238 366 12 4,840 24 59,981 110,923 540,745
    111 Mayotte 2,711 +9 37 2,480 194 3 9,933 136 8,800 32,242 272,932
    112 Paraguay 2,736 +98 20 1,256 1,460 9 383 3 84,991 11,912 7,134,628
    113 Nicaragua 2,846 91 1,993 762 429 14 6,626,450
    114 Somalia 3,038 92 1,209 1,737 2 191 6 15,900,176
    115 Equatorial Guinea 3,071 51 842 2,178 2,188 36 16,000 11,399 1,403,583
    116 Thailand 3,202 58 3,087 57 1 46 0.8 603,657 8,648 69,805,010
    117 Albania 3,278 +90 85 +2 1,875 1,318 11 1,139 30 27,458 9,542 2,877,701
    118 Croatia 3,532 +116 117 +2 2,377 1,038 4 861 29 91,486 22,290 4,104,434
    119 Greece 3,732 +60 193 1,374 2,165 9 358 19 363,412 34,872 10,421,410
    120 Madagascar 4,143 +361 34 +1 2,183 1,926 49 150 1 27,504 993 27,703,021
    121 Hungary 4,223 +3 593 +2 2,941 689 6 437 61 292,032 30,232 9,659,586
    122 CAR 4,259 +59 53 +1 1,142 3,064 2 881 11 26,806 5,548 4,831,551
    123 Luxembourg 4,777 +58 110 4,086 581 3 7,629 176 266,437 425,482 626,200
    124 Djibouti 4,968 +13 56 4,689 223 5,027 57 50,542 51,139 988,326
    125 Mauritania 5,203 +77 146 +2 2,111 2,946 5 1,119 31 13,842 2,976 4,651,681
    126 Palestine 5,551 +331 27 +3 536 4,988 1,088 5 122,555 24,014 5,103,569
    127 French Guiana 5,704 +146 23 +1 2,785 2,896 30 19,089 77 8,707 29,139 298,812
    128 Gabon 5,942 +71 46 3,004 2,892 11 2,669 21 46,725 20,984 2,226,679
    129 Guinea 5,969 +88 37 +1 4,732 1,200 24 454 3 14,407 1,097 13,138,531
    130 Bosnia and Herzegovina 6,402 +316 216 +2 3,037 3,149 4 1,952 66 108,010 32,928 3,280,147
    131 Tajikistan 6,457 +47 55 +1 5,115 1,287 677 6 9,541,627
    132 Haiti 6,582 +96 130 +7 2,459 3,993 577 11 13,709 1,202 11,405,851
    133 Costa Rica 6,845 +360 26 +1 2,110 4,709 14 1,343 5 54,191 10,635 5,095,302
    134 Bulgaria 6,964 +292 267 +5 3,308 3,389 32 1,002 38 172,330 24,807 6,946,691
    135 Ethiopia 7,120 +147 124 +4 2,430 4,566 35 62 1 250,604 2,179 115,013,029
    136 Finland 7,279 +6 329 6,800 150 2 1,314 59 275,000 49,630 5,540,971
    137 North Macedonia 7,777 +205 368 +6 3,960 3,449 55 3,733 177 74,562 35,789 2,083,371
    138 Senegal 7,882 +98 145 +2 5,311 2,426 38 471 9 88,729 5,297 16,751,215
    139 DRC 7,905 +59 189 3,513 4,203 88 2 89,600,413
    140 Malaysia 8,696 +13 121 8,511 64 2 269 4 836,255 25,830 32,375,781
    141 Venezuela 8,803 +431 83 +3 2,671 6,049 24 310 3 1,367,504 48,095 28,433,417
    142 Norway 8,974 +9 252 8,138 584 2 1,655 46 372,389 68,677 5,422,348
    143 El Salvador 9,142 +298 249 +6 5,428 3,465 274 1,409 38 187,316 28,875 6,487,104
    144 Kyrgyzstan 9,358 +511 122 +6 3,134 6,102 24 1,434 19 236,893 36,297 6,526,531
    145 Australia 9,359 +300 106 7,576 1,677 13 367 4 2,965,729 116,271 25,507,045
    146 Kenya 9,448 +473 181 +8 2,733 6,534 44 176 3 206,584 3,840 53,793,582
    147 Sudan 10,204 +46 649 +8 5,277 4,278 233 15 401 9 43,867,809
    148 Uzbekistan 12,027 +463 54 +3 7,530 4,443 42 359 2 1,121,236 33,489 33,480,229
    149 Ivory Coast 12,052 +302 81 +2 6,080 5,891 457 3 72,599 2,751 26,389,617
    150 Denmark 12,946 +30 609 12,077 260 4 2,235 105 1,206,863 208,339 5,792,778
    151 Czechia 13,001 +82 352 8,208 4,441 12 1,214 33 588,910 54,989 10,709,558
    152 S. Korea 13,338 +45 288 +1 12,065 985 15 260 6 1,384,890 27,011 51,270,488
    153 Cameroon 14,916 359 11,525 3,032 52 562 14 26,557,292
    154 Morocco 15,328 +249 243 +1 11,827 3,258 19 415 7 849,097 22,998 36,921,094
    155 Nepal 16,649 +118 35 8,011 8,603 571 1 588,353 20,185 29,147,777
    156 Serbia 17,728 +386 370 +18 13,651 3,707 130 2,029 42 480,346 54,983 8,736,249
    157 Algeria 18,242 +434 996 +8 13,124 4,122 50 416 23 43,867,588
    158 Austria 18,709 +94 706 16,808 1,195 9 2,077 78 683,484 75,877 9,007,794
    159 Moldova 18,924 +258 635 +11 12,188 6,101 391 4,692 157 101,180 25,084 4,033,672
    160 Japan 20,719 +348 982 +1 17,652 2,085 31 164 8 540,411 4,273 126,464,295
    161 Azerbaijan 22,990 +526 292 +8 14,093 8,605 66 2,267 29 552,311 54,460 10,141,508
    162 Ghana 23,834 +371 135 +6 19,212 4,487 8 767 4 322,910 10,388 31,085,538
    163 Ireland 25,589 +24 1,744 +1 23,364 481 9 5,181 353 491,648 99,541 4,939,133
    164 Honduras 26,384 +406 704 +10 2,779 22,901 58 2,663 71 49,308 4,977 9,908,074
    165 Guatemala 27,619 +961 1,139 +47 4,024 22,456 5 1,541 64 64,590 3,604 17,922,416
    166 Armenia 30,903 +557 546 +11 18,709 11,648 10 10,428 184 131,216 44,279 2,963,404
    167 Nigeria 31,323 +575 709 +20 12,795 17,819 7 152 3 175,656 852 206,228,253
    168 Romania 31,381 +592 1,847 +13 21,129 8,405 236 1,632 96 824,343 42,860 19,233,439
    169 Bahrain 32,039 +511 104 +1 27,213 4,722 53 18,821 61 649,020 381,265 1,702,281
    170 Switzerland 32,690 +104 1,966 29,400 1,324 16 3,776 227 670,484 77,456 8,656,290
    171 Afghanistan 34,194 +286 971 +14 20,882 12,341 31 878 25 78,959 2,027 38,944,614
    172 Israel 36,266 +1,441 351 +3 18,613 17,302 130 3,943 38 1,192,111 129,611 9,197,590
    173 Poland 37,216 +265 1,562 +11 26,048 9,606 66 983 41 1,720,428 45,459 37,845,348
    174 Dominican Republic 41,915 +1,125 864 +22 20,830 20,221 226 3,863 80 182,263 16,797 10,850,630
    175 Panama 43,257 +1,041 863 +24 21,426 20,968 160 10,022 200 158,669 36,761 4,316,267
    176 Bolivia 44,113 +1,129 1,638 +61 13,354 29,121 71 3,778 140 99,212 8,497 11,676,710
    177 Singapore 45,613 +191 26 41,780 3,807 1 7,795 4 866,414 148,066 5,851,542
    178 Portugal 45,679 +402 1,646 +2 30,350 13,683 66 4,480 161 1,316,425 129,115 10,195,777
    179 Netherlands 50,840 +42 6,136 N/A N/A 20 2,967 358 681,931 39,795 17,135,967
    180 Ukraine 52,043 +819 1,345 +18 24,800 25,898 101 1,190 31 773,831 17,698 43,725,138
    181 Philippines 52,914 +1,160 1,360 +46 13,230 38,324 333 483 12 935,763 8,537 109,615,114
    182 Kuwait 53,580 +740 383 +1 43,214 9,983 157 12,542 90 427,006 99,955 4,271,997
    183 Oman 53,614 +1,889 244 +8 34,225 19,145 130 10,494 48 231,211 45,257 5,108,835
    184 UAE 54,050 +473 330 +2 43,969 9,751 1 5,463 33 3,816,000 385,717 9,893,265
    185 Kazakhstan 54,747 +1,726 264 31,815 22,668 221 2,915 14 1,659,543 88,358 18,782,102
    186 Belgium 62,357 +147 9,781 +3 17,179 35,397 36 5,380 844 1,349,831 116,455 11,591,026
    187 Belarus 64,604 +193 454 +5 54,254 9,896 89 6,837 48 1,111,614 117,641 9,449,229
    188 Ecuador 65,018 +797 4,939 +39 29,577 30,502 308 3,684 280 174,769 9,902 17,649,049

  5. #5
    Mackballs's Avatar
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    Figure out*

    JJ level thread title.

  6. #6
    I slipped Tricky Dick a hit of LSD!
    PAULYPOKER's Avatar
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    Pimike has COVID in a hospital and they refuse to call it COVID..

    Show me real evidence that hospitals are doing the opposite as many of you claim,

  7. #7
    I slipped Tricky Dick a hit of LSD!
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    Then you have people in the hospital upto 4+months..

    This is just what we know of.

    Wow,41 year old actor dies of COVID19 after 95 days in the hospital!!!

    We have one from our area , she's been in 110 days...

  8. #8
    HockeyRocks's Avatar
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    So, i have seen comments saying Covid would dissappear during the summer because of the heat. These comments were not from the medical community. So as far as numbers are concerned, with over 50K Americans a day being positive this throws that theory out of the water.

  9. #9
