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PA Little League district to drop 'Astros'

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ArrowLeft PA Little League district to drop 'Astros'

East of Williamsport, Pennsylvania, one Little League director is sending a clear message to his 4,000 players about the Astros and their sign stealing.

"Right now, in our leagues, the Astros are suspended," said Bob Bertoni, head of District 16/31 Little League.
Bertoni is recommending that no teams in the 23 leagues he oversees use the Astros team name this season after it was discovered Houston took a live camera feed to steal signs en route to a 2017 World Series title. He said a few teams used the name last year.

"I think about our Little League pledge; that's the first thing that comes to my mind. Part of the pledge is, 'I will play fair and strive to win,'" Bertoni said.
"Our kids emulate and idolize major league players," he added. "I don't think we as an organization should be idolizing teams that have decided not to play by the rules."