1. #1
    Sam Odom
    Sam Odom's Avatar
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    Shake, Rattle & Roll

    FOOTBALL Saturday

    We expect all posters to step it Up

    Mods are tightening Up on Stooges - Don't be one
    This post was nominated 1 time . To view the nominated thread please click here. People who nominated: CWD

  2. #2
    jjgold's Avatar
    Join Date: 07-20-05
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    going light Sammy

    Too many big spreads

  3. #3
    Hman's Avatar
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    Fun day ahead

  4. #4
    Sam Odom
    Sam Odom's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post

    going light Sammy

    Too many big spreads

    what was it you use to say

    something like: 'These are all guesses so take the points and you wont get hurt so bad'
