1. #71
    2daBank's Avatar
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    If twinks knew how to bunt they might have scored a much needed run in 7th inning with 2 on no outs! Instead hit into a double play and lose game by a run.. instead of crying bout what others do they should have learned something!!

  2. #72
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    Dozier 40+ hr... 0 outs, 7th inning, 1 run game and you are strategically giving up outs?

    You are joking right?

    You don't win games giving up outs or bunting your power guys....you play for the big inning....and you certainly don't voluntarily give up one of your last 9 outs unless it's a squeeze situation to tie or go ahead.

    You guys are trolling- have to be....

  3. #73
    2daBank's Avatar
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    Did they win? I must have missed that!!

    Yes to this point, trolling a little! Lol

  4. #74
    Watergate's Avatar
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    Twins will make the playoffs and get crushed by the Yankees again. Same story but a different year.

  5. #75
    Did we win?
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    Quote Originally Posted by thetrinity View Post
    Only agree with the twins if they had a no no going, which they didn't.
    To me there is no situation that gives the twins any credibility on this one. They just sound like a bunch of whining bitches. You don't want that to happen then don't shift. The guy was trying to get on base. More players should start doing this to get rid of this bullshit shift baseball. The game isn't over until the 3rd out in the 9th. Until then you do anything to get on base and keep the inning alive.

    Like Herm says:

  6. #76
    d2bets's Avatar SBR PRO
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    I also don't have a problem with a team up 7-0 in the 9th trying to add runs. Ya never know. Play the game. No whining.

  7. #77
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    What do expect? A bunch of sensitive shemale pussies in Minnesota.

  8. #78
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    Chris Davis on Chance's bunt (senior leadership): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fhZoXjHm2B4

    Rick Demsey's view: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rsiE_EzOH1Y

  9. #79
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    I'm from Minnesota and a Twins fan and think the Twins should not be bitching about this. You put this shift on so why are they surprised that the hitter bunt down the 3rd base line. You play to win and get base runners on for a change to score some runs. Anything can happen in baseball. There have been many games where a team came back from down 7 or more to win.
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  10. #80
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    There’s no argument here. The bunt was a great idea and the thing to do when down 7 against a shift. In fact, all players that get shifted on should be practicing bunting to do more of what Sisco did.

  11. #81
    Thomorino - Fade and Get Paid
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    Didn't they load the bases later, and it all started with the bunt? A homer, 7-4 ballgame and the team holding the lead all of a sudden shitting bricks. Anything can happen in baseball.

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