1. #281
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    Quote Originally Posted by unde0087 View Post
    He actually doesn't give one fuk, let alone 2. The constant trolling by dlo the douche does nothing but make him look more pathetic by the day. I can see this bitch sitting at his computer 9 years from now scrolling through years of picks looking for his next find meanwhile everyone else moved on 10 years before only he is to fukin stupid to realize it. Meanwhile his wife is banging the mailman upstairs because he is balls deep in a 9 year investigation to pretend help the world.
    Hmmm, but wasn’t it PhoneyB who mentioned in his “apologetic post” that he want to be liked. I’m sorry but your post flies in the face of good logic.

  2. #282
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    Underwear, are you PhoneyB’s main squeeze now? Or is there some other reason why you are his mouthpiece of something there is no defending.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bostongambler View Post
    Underwear, are you PhoneyB’s main squeeze now? Or is there some other reason why you are his mouthpiece of something there is no defending.
    BG, if you can't see the irony of this I don't know what to tell you. I better back off though. I might make the "block" list. You know because clown boy can troll and stalk all he wants but the pussy doesn't want to hear how he is a bitch.

  4. #284
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    gay men like to exaggerate everything and get into drama

    i don't think he had bad intentions here just caught up in the life

    i remember Funny discussing his single digit handicap and shooting low rounds at local courses

    which we obviously have to call into question with what we know now

    but who was the dikk for being impressed in the first place really?

    Funny you are full of it but we are not here to judge we got games

  5. #285
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    Quote Originally Posted by unde0087 View Post
    BG, if you can't see the irony of this I don't know what to tell you. I better back off though. I might make the "block" list. You know because clown boy can troll and stalk all he wants but the pussy doesn't want to hear how he is a bitch.
    The guy has posted I think 7 times since I pointed out the deleted spreadsheet recently but had this to say:

    Quote Originally Posted by unde0087 View Post

    Kudos for being the only one left who fukin cares.
    Quote Originally Posted by unde0087 View Post

    Okay, well I will leave you to bang away at that dead horse.
    I guess pathological liars must stand up for eachother or something.

    The difference between what I am doing, and what the ones I've blocked are doing, is I am trolling him with truth in the face of his lies, and those I've blocked blatantly lie just to try and provoke me

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    Quote Originally Posted by manny24 View Post
    gay men like to exaggerate everything and get into drama

    i don't think he had bad intentions here just caught up in the life

    i remember Funny discussing his single digit handicap and shooting low rounds at local courses

    which we obviously have to call into question with what we know now

    but who was the dikk for being impressed in the first place really?

    Funny you are full of it but we are not here to judge we got games
    Yeah there is truth to what ur saying, but don't you remember how it was before he was exposed? He was constantly at the top of the page and everyone asking his opinions and waiting for his video plays. He had numerous chances to warn those people or come clean with what he INTENTIONALLY and repeatedly had done, but not only did he not do that, he attacked me continuously when I was first asking him about it in a non accusatory tone and even more so when I posted the proof.

    He posted this apology and then deleted the spreadsheet when it was down almost 100 units and started a new one. He continues to keep that blatantly false record and refer to it in threads.

    There is so much other stuff between the half pushups, retroactively including a winning record in the new spreadsheet, beginning his video play record with several wins out of nowhere, etc. etc. that it would take way too much space and time to refer to them all. Awhile back when he was the king capper with his fudged numbers and lies everyone one here was kissing his ass, so don't act like just a few stupid people paid attention to him.

  7. #287
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    Another novel about 5 months ago, 7 million and 1 now. The story goes on.

  8. #288
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    Quote Originally Posted by unde0087 View Post
    Another novel about 5 months ago, 7 million and 1 now. The story goes on.
    Another post from the guy who doesn't care and said he'd leave me to it

    This is about the continued lies and him continuing to post picks and keep a spreadsheet inflated by about 100 units (the other plays before weren't put in a spreadsheet), man you're dense, perfect avatar for you

    Last edited by dlowilly; 04-26-18 at 11:16 PM.

  9. #289
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    Quote Originally Posted by unde0087 View Post
    Another novel about 5 months ago, 7 million and 1 now. The story goes on.
    That’s just the thing unde, it’s still going on.

    Just curious why the hate on dlow? If not for him PhoneyB would of had numerous peoples checking account numbers by now.

  10. #290
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    PhoneyB did pick the perfect name through in “funny”. He’s funny alright. Just don’t leave an unattended drink near him and then drink it later. He will pull a Dr. Huxtable on your ass.

  11. #291
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    Coming from the guy who is so desperate to bump this thread you pull quotes from funnyb that happened months ago just to seem like you are having a fukin debate with him.

    Same guy who accused SBR of giving USCphilly a look at your private PMs over pro status. Should I look that one up? You went at that for what 12 to 14 pages of nothing but non sense actually believing it happened. Page by page became more and more embarrassing but you just kept going. No doubt you believe it still today. I will give you props for never letting anything go, EVER. I mean once you think you know, it is until the end of time no matter how stupid the story gets. I have never stood up for funny on his actions dumbass. The whole thing is, IT IS 5 MONTHS LATER CLOWN. Just like the fake ass story you believe about SBR giving philly your PMs this is just as stupid yet you think you are a hero. You think the people who say something are defending funny's actions. I never once said it was okay but its been months now. It is pathetic now. You are checking his "non posted" spreadsheet and other stuff daily. That is absolutely pathetic. That is the point. Not that funny was right. Wake up. Posters here are men, they can handle themselves. If you decided to put money on a game, no matter if the guy says he is 400-0, that is on you. No one else is to blame for your actions. Its time to man the up and realize it. No one made you do anything. Quit being a bitch.
    This post was nominated 1 time . To view the nominated thread please click here. People who nominated: mikejamm

  12. #292
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    Not sure why all the hate on the guy for calling out a fraud.

  13. #293
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    Dlow has said he has no one to blame but himself over and over again. So for someone to say otherwise is ludicrous.

  14. #294
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    Quote Originally Posted by jts1207 View Post
    Not sure why all the hate on the guy for calling out a fraud.
    Yea I must of missed something along the lone

  15. #295
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    Quote Originally Posted by unde0087 View Post
    Coming from the guy who is so desperate to bump this thread you pull quotes from funnyb that happened months ago just to seem like you are having a fukin debate with him.

    Same guy who accused SBR of giving USCphilly a look at your private PMs over pro status. Should I look that one up? You went at that for what 12 to 14 pages of nothing but non sense actually believing it happened. Page by page became more and more embarrassing but you just kept going. No doubt you believe it still today. I will give you props for never letting anything go, EVER. I mean once you think you know, it is until the end of time no matter how stupid the story gets. I have never stood up for funny on his actions dumbass. The whole thing is, IT IS 5 MONTHS LATER CLOWN. Just like the fake ass story you believe about SBR giving philly your PMs this is just as stupid yet you think you are a hero. You think the people who say something are defending funny's actions. I never once said it was okay but its been months now. It is pathetic now. You are checking his "non posted" spreadsheet and other stuff daily. That is absolutely pathetic. That is the point. Not that funny was right. Wake up. Posters here are men, they can handle themselves. If you decided to put money on a game, no matter if the guy says he is 400-0, that is on you. No one else is to blame for your actions. Its time to man the up and realize it. No one made you do anything. Quit being a bitch.
    Look who's writing novels now

    U really are something Underwear. This wasn't bumped about what happened 5 months ago. He has continued to do it. If I would have made a new thread instead of bumping this one you would have whined even more. Now post again about these things you don't care about

  16. #296
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    Quote Originally Posted by jts1207 View Post
    Not sure why all the hate on the guy for calling out a fraud.
    Because they like him and lie a lot too

  17. #297
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    No....no one likes you.
    You cry to mods and lie all the time.
    Logging into this site for you, must be like getting hit in the face by dicks everyday

  18. #298
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jayvegas420 View Post
    No....no one likes you.
    You cry to mods and lie all the time.
    Logging into this site for you, must be like getting hit in the face by dicks everyday
    Crying to the mods LOL

    I lie? I disprove the lies you and other trolls say about me and it just makes you lie more. Ur daughter is going to end up with a grit n gravy the way you conduct yourself.

    Oh well, another lying troll to ignore. Too bad doucheface doesn't keep his word and ban himself like he said he would

  19. #299
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    Sounds like the back rub funnyb gave willy developed quickly into barebacking.

  20. #300
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    Quote Originally Posted by dlowilly View Post
    Crying to the mods LOL

    I lie? I disprove the lies you and other trolls say about me and it just makes you lie more. Ur daughter is going to end up with a grit n gravy the way you conduct yourself.

    Oh well, another lying troll to ignore. Too bad doucheface doesn't keep his word and ban himself like he said he would
    I liked you better when you posted as Brooks85

  21. #301
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    So this is where the rumble is today??

  22. #302
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    Quote Originally Posted by funnyb25 View Post
    No excuses. I phucked up. I deserve to be beat on in here. I will take it like a man. Won't happen again.

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