1. #1
    Rusty Bucket$
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    I'm running so bad that it's actually comical

    Completely busto. The beats I've taken over the last 4 weeks are absurd. I know things even out and I've had lucky runs too, but I'm on a brutal run. The only reason I'm making this thread is for the guys who are winning. Be grateful for the hot streaks. Sometimes it's easy to take good runs for granted and forget that it is hard to win in this game we chose. I'm here to remind you that runs like this are really awful and remember to appreciate the good times because you never know when a bad run is coming. BOL to everybody

  2. #2
    Foxx's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I hope your luck picks up soon. We've all been there. No matter how good you are, ugly variance kicks us all in the ass from time to time. I got a humbling dose back in March.

  3. #3
    Sam Odom
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    better luck buddy

    stay in the game with money management

  4. #4
    2ndchance's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    I know it's crazy a week back I could not miss a pick if I wanted too lasted a couple weeks too. Now it's hard to break even staying a float for now lol.Really prob would help if I jus do one bet a day no matter if I win it are lose it.

  5. #5
    Rusty Bucket$
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    Hard to break even? Lol I couldn't dream of being even right now. Things I'm picking are automatic losses. Games that I want to take,but don't end up taking because of no confidence, are hitting and I'm just in a real bad spot right now. I want to tail other posters but am afraid of being a mush. My confidence is shot. Thanks for the kind words gents. I'm not really looking for sympathy but I would like guys who are on nice runs, or even just staying afloat, to be reminded that it's not easy to win and don't take it for granted. Winning is a great feeling and it always "feels so easy" when we're in the middle of it until reality strikes us in the fukking face. Be grateful for the good runs folks

  6. #6
    Sam Odom
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sam Odom View Post

    stay in the game with money management

    in a nutshell : when you're losing lower your bet amounts and adjust daily -- most of us do the opposite

  7. #7
    Shute's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Rusty, happens to the best of us eventually, hopefully you'll find your place. Shute

  8. #8
    Success is one thing, Impact is another
    Bengals28's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    You were on the Nats huh? I know I was..fukkin brutal

  9. #9
    Sam Odom
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    Nat's bettors got the double dagger

    bot 9th in the gut

    bot 12th in the heart

  10. #10
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Way more losing streaks than winning

  11. #11
    msutter's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bengals28 View Post
    You were on the Nats huh? I know I was..fukkin brutal
    That one hurt. Had Nats big and also had them in 3 separate parlays that all would have hit if they won. Oh well... on to the next day.

  12. #12
    BrickJames's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Who are you on tonight?

  13. #13
    Keep bothering on
    snapperman2's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Rusty, take a break from gambling for a couple of weeks. When you come back, maybe your unlucky streak will be ended.
