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Live Inaugural Thread : Greatest Day For All Of Us Tomorrow

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Quote Originally Posted by itchypickle View Post
MSNBC acting like it's Obamas day still....so sad. Swear if they were doing the Super Bowl post game this year and Patriots win...they'd be talking about Manning's performance last year as Brady tries to talk.
New day in America!
Itchy - can you at least respect the office of POTUS since you obviously don't respect Obama? He served his country the best he could and now it's Trump's turn. I respect anyone that would put their life on the line to serve our country at the highest position. When you bad mouth any president, you bad mouth America. If you just beat an opponent, the worst thing you can do is say that that opponent sucked. Okay, then what does that say about you? You must not be real good if you beat a dead beat. Lot's of darts and arrows were thrown during the election. That shit is over. We are all in this together now. Stop trampling on Obama because you are stepping on America.

This is Trump's day. It is a celebration for America. Let's respect the past and look forward to the future.
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Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
Itchy - can you at least respect the office of POTUS since you obviously don't respect Obama? He served his country the best he could and now it's Trump's turn. I respect anyone that would put their life on the line to serve our country at the highest position. When you bad mouth any president, you bad mouth America. If you just beat an opponent, the worst thing you can do is say that that opponent sucked. Okay, then what does that say about you? You must not be real good if you beat a dead beat. Lot's of darts and arrows were thrown during the election. That shit is over. We are all in this together now. Stop trampling on Obama because you are stepping on America.

This is Trump's day. It is a celebration for America. Let's respect the past and look forward to the future.



anyone got odds on Putin & Co. sailin' a cruise missle armed with a nuke up to the capitol in 18 minutes, takin' out the top three branches of our national gov't in one fell swoop????

our national gov't would then only consist of the 69 or so holdout congressfuks who boycotted the inauguration.....

If you truly ever wanted to cripple the US, days like this, or a state of the union address, are the day to strike....

not some random dumbass day like 9-11......


I would love if Trump during his speech would say "Here is my first act as President", and pulls out a little remote. He presses the button, and a huge electrified wall comes up from the ground stretching the whole mexican boarder.


Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
The CNN sissy network ran a "What if?" story about Trump being assassinated. Can you imagine the backlash if some major media outlet had done this when Obama took office?

They said if Trump got assassinated that an Obama selected secretary would be sworn in as President. They are basically trying to say "Hey, if one of you kills Trump, you will get your way and keep this party going"

FUk CNN. That aint right at all. Yeh they would be outraged