1. #1
    ChuckyTheGoat's Avatar SBR PRO
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    MoneyShot, how is Tomlin going to handle the xtra pts this week?

    Let's call it now. Let's stay ahead of the game.

    Steelers will score TDs this week. Is this clown going to continue throwing the Fade to corner on 2-pt plays? And then chase 3x after they blow the 2-ptr?

    Those 2-pt plays may have had merit when Ben had live legs OR when Vick was in at QB. Now, it's just desperation.

  2. #2
    TheMoneyShot's Avatar
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    I would kick em. Everyone talks about the mathematics involved percentage wise success rate etc... I'm a huge believer in momentum shifts.

    Every time you miss a 2 pointer... I think it gives the other team motivation and momentum. It's like you let them off the hook.

    Tomlin fukked his entire team over.

  3. #3
    ChuckyTheGoat's Avatar SBR PRO
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    LOL, he must have been lookin up at the scoreboard late in game last week, thinking to self:

    "Damn...would be nice to have 4 more pts up there!"
