1. #1
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    $10 to $100k in 35 bets... whats your max?

    Has anyone tried this challenge?

    The idea is that if you start from $10 and go all-in 35 times on a wager of ~$1.30 (-333 for you american folk) you can turn it into ~$100k. (In a way its like an open parlay with 35 slots)

    The maths is 10 x (1.3)^35 which equals ~$97k... obviously this will change as you might hit slightly different odds.

    Seems easy right? Odds that small regularly hit. The hard part is getting to around $1000-$2000 and telling yourself to go all in.

    Most I got to was $250, then I wussed out. But wanna try it again.

    Anyone wanna join to offer some hidden odds?

    For this, Im using bet365 which I dont often use (I stick with my local TAB) as they offer lots of live matches. All odds will be given from bet 365.

    Once I lose, I will close the thread, but feel free to join in.


  2. #2
    Update your status
    Seaweed's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    This won't end well. I would cash out after $40
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  3. #3
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    #1 Zhe Zhou win 15th game v Completo (ITF) $10 @ $1.33

  4. #4
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Tbh, I dont expect it to end well. Its just for fun. Hopefully most people can spare $10... it takes balls higher on. Just wanna see how high I get before I chicken out.

    Odds arent in your favour... I expect to bust at around the $120 mark if not earlier haha

  5. #5
    STAX's Avatar SBR MVP
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    haha, i might try this... good luck

  6. #6
    STAX's Avatar SBR MVP
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    ill def wuss out when i hit 4 figs tho

  7. #7
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Bah! Bust on bet #1... im not hiding. Pretty silly to even be looking at the ITF events (full of scrubs).

    I'll try it again -- max of $50 (5 tries)

  8. #8
    Down but not out
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi_Punter View Post
    Bah! Bust on bet #1... im not hiding. Pretty silly to even be looking at the ITF events (full of scrubs).

    I'll try it again -- max of $50 (5 tries)
    I think this first bet losing basically sums up how this entire experience will go for you dude.

  9. #9
    Jeffie's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Quote Originally Posted by MoMoneyMoVaughn View Post
    I think this first bet losing basically sums up how this entire experience will go for you dude.
    Mo I do not appreciate the negativity. Kiwi you can do this pal!

  10. #10
    Down but not out
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jeffie View Post
    Mo I do not appreciate the negativity. Kiwi you can do this pal!
    Its in my nature.

    I apologize to all I have offended.

    Best of luck Kiwi.

    Do you have any NZ friends in Toronto?

    I love Kiwi broads.

  11. #11
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Haha dont worry guys. I realise its a losing proposition. I am an engineer by trade so know the maths involved.

    Im just doing it for fun to see where I can get to!

    Trial 2...
    [1] Barbora Stefkova win 6th game (ITF) $10 @ $1.30 W

    $13... Wooo!
    Last edited by Kiwi_Punter; 03-30-15 at 01:12 AM.

  12. #12
    Jeffie's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Kiwi if you get to 100k will you take me to a nice dinner and possibly a movie?

  13. #13
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    ​[2] Barbora Stefkova win 10th game (ITF) $13 @ $1.28
    Last edited by Kiwi_Punter; 03-30-15 at 01:16 AM.

  14. #14
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    [3] Barbora Stefkova win 2nd set (ITF) $16.64 @ $1.16
    Popping out for a sec. Will post anything I play via cellphone.
    Last edited by Kiwi_Punter; 03-30-15 at 11:03 PM.

  15. #15
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    3-0 almost 10% there haha.

    [4] Michael Grant win 2nd set (ITF) $19.30 @ $1.20
    Last edited by Kiwi_Punter; 03-30-15 at 11:03 PM.

  16. #16
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  17. #17
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    [5] Cowboys/Storm u38.5 LIVE (NRL) $23.16 @ $1.28
    Last edited by Kiwi_Punter; 03-30-15 at 11:03 PM.

  18. #18
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Closer than expected.


  19. #19
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    I spose the record isnt 5-0... but 5-1.
    More accurate is 5 straight wins!

  20. #20
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    [6] Daniele Capeechi win 13th game (ITF) $29.64 @ $1.36
    Last edited by Kiwi_Punter; 03-30-15 at 11:03 PM.

  21. #21
    Dmoneytx's Avatar SBR Hall of Famer
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    Are you really betting on "women" to win 1 game within a match and trying to get to 35 in a row???? HUH??? I don't care what the odds are on a woman winning one game within the match she is playing, if you hit 35 of those, you should get $10 million dollars dude.. That is never gonna happen. When you started this thread, it seemed like you were gonna take matches around -333 and sweat it out. You seem to playing "live" plays on just 1 game?? And on "ITF's"??? That is throwing money away man, lol.. Then you threw in a rugby play??? What does that even have to do with tennis??? And how can anyone follow you when you post live plays on 1 game on ITF matches in a tennis thread??? This thread seemed insane to me, I would rather go get Subway twice with my $10

  22. #22
    makman's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kiwi_Punter View Post
    Has anyone tried this challenge?

    The idea is that if you start from $10 and go all-in 35 times on a wager of ~$1.30 (-333 for you american folk) you can turn it into ~$100k. (In a way its like an open parlay with 35 slots)

    The maths is 10 x (1.3)^35 which equals ~$97k... obviously this will change as you might hit slightly different odds.

    Seems easy right? Odds that small regularly hit. The hard part is getting to around $1000-$2000 and telling yourself to go all in.

    Most I got to was $250, then I wussed out. But wanna try it again.

    Anyone wanna join to offer some hidden odds?

    For this, Im using bet365 which I dont often use (I stick with my local TAB) as they offer lots of live matches. All odds will be given from bet 365.

    Once I lose, I will close the thread, but feel free to join in.

    Interesting experiment, good luck.
    Your chance is not that much bigger than winning in lottery.
    But the real point is;
    besides an unbelievable chain of lucky choices, it also needs you to have the balls, to bet 75k on your ultimate bet.
    Will you be able to do it ???

  23. #23
    kenz's Avatar SBR MVP
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  24. #24
    Snowball's Avatar BARRELED IN @ SBR!
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    once it starts getting into the thousands, it becomes real and ya stop going all-in.
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  25. #25
    JC1186's Avatar SBR MVP
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    I'd be able to go all in until I got to about the 40K mark. From there I'd have to stop unless I saw something exceptional for one more bet.

    I guess you'll nail this strategy before you lose 10,000 times in a row.

    One would think.

    But you can't be betting regularly. You'd want each 1.30ish bet to be well thought out.

    So maybe a few tries can be running in succession to ease the pressure.

  26. #26
    Curious Nick and Tenacious Kokk
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    The only plausible way this could work would be if you're extremely: knowledgable, selective, and patient – none of which you seem to be. Besides, even then it'd call for the most ridonkeydiculeuse luck you could possibly imagine.

    That said, I wish you all such luck!

  27. #27
    jjgold's Avatar SBR Aristocracy
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    No most of time just bet 2% of bankroll

    It does not work but I stick to it other than my 1 big bet per day

  28. #28
    JC1186's Avatar SBR MVP
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    No most of time just bet 2% of bankroll

    It does not work but I stick to it other than my 1 big bet per day
    That's the afc's (look it up) approach.

    If I were betting in the tens of thousands each time (with a bank in the hundreds) I'd probably employ a similar strategy (actually no I would probably just stick to laying short odds on Betfair on the "right" players with all my knowledge), but imo to get well ahead you've got to know when to raise your stakes once or twice per tournament.

  29. #29
    Enjoi's Avatar SBR Sharp
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    Whats this afc approach u speak of?

    And what do u mean by laying short odds on the right players?

  30. #30
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Haha chill out dudes. I do have a steady wagering strategy that I do, this is only a side experiment.

    Dmoneytx I did university and post grad stats for my engineering degree so understand the percentages involved. Yes I punted on tennis games but realise that this was early stages. I dont wanna wait out a 3 hr basketball game for a $10 wager. My sports selections will be more refined the higher I get.

    you guys have to realise I doing this for FUN. Im happy to spend $10 in the hope of making $100k (even though I wont). Its more interesting than a lotto ticket or horses personally

  31. #31
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Ps streak up to 6 wins

  32. #32
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    [7] Australia/Macedonia u3.5 goals (Soccer) $40.31 @ $1.28
    Last edited by Kiwi_Punter; 03-30-15 at 11:02 PM.

  33. #33
    Lovely Jubbly
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    oh dear...

  34. #34
    BadLuckSanta's Avatar SBR MVP
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    This is fun...keep updating

  35. #35
    Kiwi_Punter's Avatar SBR Hustler
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    Not a believer in jinxs. But they have zero goals after 56mins. Looking good to be 7 straight wins.

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