1. #1
    Mr KLC
    Mr KLC's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Thinking I'm Going To Just Stick With First 5 Bets

    Did nothing but first 5 bets this week, and if Boston can hold on, my bankroll will go up 50% this week alone, going 5-0 today. Seems simpler because I can pretty much rule out the bullpens, and focus on the opposing lineups and starters.

  2. #2
    Big Dikk Energy
    Booya711's Avatar SBR PRO
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    Only bets info for baseball KLC...was 5-0 today in them

  3. #3
    killawookie's Avatar
    Join Date: 12-25-09
    Posts: 3,457

    A lot of late hitting a teams like the O's. A lot of pitchers having their monthly one bad outing. Its all a coin toss, what works one week won't win in a month.
