We get to the game when the doors open and head for our seats behind the Piston's bench courtside. Seats are 9-10 in the middle of the 2nd row. Usher moves the entire front row seats forward and all the seats in our row both to the left and right of us leaving us with better then a foot of extra space. We were able to get some autographs until the Piston's owner walk through taking us with him. We walked across the court and he placed us front row at the free throw line.

My son loves the limelight hugging and shaking of the hands as well as the pictures taking. The hug Tom Gores accepted from my Son was surreal as most of the night.

Our Season tickets have been upgraded to courtside for the whole playoffs at home. Stop by and say hi and if a friend, I will get you into Club West for endless food and drinks.