1. #1
    Otters27's Avatar SBR PRO
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    What would happen if both Sanders and Trump ran as INDEPENDENTS?

    What if we had a 4 horse race? Both Sanders and Trump Drop out now and say FU to the both establishments and leave it up to the people.

    Clinton, Sanders, Trump, ??????? (Rubio, Cruz, Kasich)

  2. #2
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    I may have to vote to play defense this year. It'd be nice to put a dent in the two party system

  3. #3
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    That would be pretty sweet actually.

  4. #4
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    Clinton would win easily.

  5. #5
    jjgold's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Clinton wins in a landslide if any third party runs

  6. #6
    Covy's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by jjgold View Post
    Clinton wins in a landslide if any third party runs

    Bernie would take away votes from her and win a few states

  7. #7
    fuk offshores. Play local.
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    Clinton would win easily. She is going to be a very hard candidate to beat and the only way she can be beat is by Trump. Neither Rubio nor Cruz would be able to beat her simply because there will be too many questions about the underhanded way they got nominated. Trump has huge poll leads in all 4 states Saturday night and if he wins all 4 ( or even 3 really ) , the others need to do the right thing and get out, back Trump, and go after Hillary. If it were any other candidate pulling down wins like Trump has, the fukking republican establishment would be all over his nutts. Trump is a far better candidate than Romney ever was and they backed him because he is who the voters chose. All the BS the republican establishment is doing right now is simply proving Trumps point. Its time for true Republicans to realize its Trump or Hillary. Make your choice.

  8. #8
    fuk offshores. Play local.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Covy View Post

    Bernie would take away votes from her and win a few states
    Whatever votes he took from her would be nothing compared to what Trump would take from the Republican side. There is a big difference here. Trump won the nomination fair and square, and Bernie was just a flash in the pan who did better than expected but never close to actually winning the nomination.

  9. #9
    pavyracer's Avatar SBR PRO
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    All the women will vote for Clinton. First woman president even though Bill is going to be making the shots behind the scenes.

  10. #10
    habitualwinning's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavyracer View Post
    All the women will vote for Clinton. First woman president even though Bill is going to be making the shots behind the scenes.
    That's not true at all. Hillary struggles with younger people and women, that's why Sanders is winning some states. She kicks his ass though in minority vote. Makes you wonder how dumb these people are. The people who would actually benefit most from Sander's policies are voting for Clinton in the primaries. Lmao. Idiots. Sanders is the one for income equality and social justice, not Clinton. Those are two things you always hear minorities bitching about too. There are too many stupid people in this country to ever change anything.

  11. #11
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    To the OP, if that scenario did occur, which is unlikely but possible, potentially all hell could break loose. There would be a serious possibility that none of the candidates would garner enough electorates to win the presidency cause they'd all be stealing states from each other. Sanders would win the NE and some blue mountain west states, Trump would win the south, Clinton would win the west coast and the republican candidate would win some of the midwest. At that point, I'm not even sure what would happen and I don't feel like looking into it but I'm sure somebody on here knows. Does the SCOTUS decide or is there a revote or what?

  12. #12
    habitualwinning's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    Quote Originally Posted by habitualwinning View Post
    To the OP, if that scenario did occur, which is unlikely but possible, potentially all hell could break loose. There would be a serious possibility that none of the candidates would garner enough electorates to win the presidency cause they'd all be stealing states from each other. Sanders would win the NE and some blue mountain west states, Trump would win the south, Clinton would win the west coast and the republican candidate would win some of the midwest. At that point, I'm not even sure what would happen and I don't feel like looking into it but I'm sure somebody on here knows. Does the SCOTUS decide or is there a revote or what?
    OK I looked into it cause I wanted to know. If no candidate gets the 270 electorates they need to become POTUS, then the House of Representatives gets to vote on it. So that means the Republican candidate would pretty much be guaranteed to win since they control the house big right now. That'd be some crazy shit if the Republicans won their last two presidencies on some asterisk type stuff. Bush with the SCOTUS ruling in 2000 and then whoever the Republican candidate is this time on a house vote. This country is bonkers man, all the red tape, fine print and legal shit built into everything. It's almost like a bunch of lawyers founded this country and made all the rules.

  13. #13
    Vegas Baby!
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    They weren't the founders. But they're running shit now!

  14. #14
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    In a 4 horse race nobody could beat Trump.

  15. #15
    Vegas Baby!
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    You like his odds better in a 4 horse race rather than a 2 horse race?

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    Yes of course because views of him are stronger, the more candidates the better for him, that is why he is doing well in a big republican field.

  17. #17
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    It won't happen because Sanders won't do that.

  18. #18
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    Why don't Hillary & Dr. Wily ever debate?

  19. #19
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    Any activity that breaks the hold of these two criminal organizations we call parties would be great for America. The founding fathers wanted a President elected on his own merits thus completing the "checks and balances" equation. When congress and the President are from the same party, you eliminate a very necessary counterweight to the Executive branch. America needs Trump to win in order to fracture the Republican party. The Democratic party is shrinking and will not dominate in the way that people suggest.

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    Quote Originally Posted by BWest View Post
    Any activity that breaks the hold of these two criminal organizations we call parties would be great for America. The founding fathers wanted a President elected on his own merits thus completing the "checks and balances" equation. When congress and the President are from the same party, you eliminate a very necessary counterweight to the Executive branch. America needs Trump to win in order to fracture the Republican party. The Democratic party is shrinking and will not dominate in the way that people suggest.
    We will need riots for things to change

  21. #21
    I don't believe you ... please continue
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    Sanders proposes $15T in tax increases, hitting most taxpayers

    Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/0...#ixzz420Xi4eHJ

  22. #22
    d2bets's Avatar SBR PRO
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    The third party candidate to watch will be former two-term Republican governor from New Mexico, Gary Johnson.

  23. #23
    titanium777's Avatar Become A Pro!
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    That would be epic. You'd have to give an edge to Clinton, but maybe passionate people would go out and vote for Sanders or Trump.
