1. #106
    I don't believe you ... please continue
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    Congratulations everybody, you rewarded the White House for killing children at weddings and funerals with drones. You rewarded them for taking your civil liberties, for repealing the 4th amendment. You rewarded Obama for ordering 2 US citizens to be assassinated with no due process. You rewarded the TSA for invading your privacy. You rewarded the DEA for putting people in jail who were LEGALLY allowed to smoke pot. You rewarded the record number of undocumenteds who Obama's immigration dept deported (far more than Bush) You rewarded Obama for taking orders from the UN rather than Congress. Forget about the debt.

    Last edited by DwightShrute; 11-09-12 at 10:21 AM.

  2. #107
    Tully Mars 63
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    Quote Originally Posted by shari91 View Post
    I'm more amazed at how many people in 2012 still fail to understand what the word socialism even means. Maybe if they did they'd realise how clueless they looked every time they tried to use that as a relevant slur in a modern-day first world country.
    So Obama isn't a socialists? Who knew?

  3. #108
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    Quote Originally Posted by paranoyd androyd View Post
    that's all romney focused on, but still lost. he hammered away on fiscal conservatism, smaller gov't, and lowering taxes. absolutely hammered on those issues. and yet, even during one of the lowest financial times for the country, this message still did not resonate.

    this points to a much larger and scarier problem for the country, which is simply this... the majority of people now do not actually believe in any of these tenets. 'conservative' now carries a negative connotation. and people actually want socialism.
    I don't think its really that deep. Many, many democrats simply don't care about the economy or even understand how economic policy effects them. Obama and biden successfully motivated them with get revenge and the Republicans are going to put ya'll back in chains and none of this mess was the demos fault.

    The country has not hit bottom for the electorate to demand the government to focus on economic stability and growth of the economy. Next election they will blame house Republicans and try to divide the country again. One thing is for sure we will not have meaningful economic growth until we lower taxes and reign in deficit spending. Only a matter of time before the demos run out of excuses and the electorate demands a focus on prosperity.

  4. #109
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    White males are kicking themselves for letting all those other peoples vote as well.

  6. #111
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    I tan quite a few girls ages 18-22 and naturally they are white... Not one girl said they were voting for Romney. Generations are changing... I asked these girls... individually why won't you give Romney a chance? Almost every single one said... "Obama deserves 4 more years"

    I don't know maybe Obama just has that "safe look to him" like... he wouldn't hurt a fly?? I don't know? Maybe these girls would vote for Lil Wayne if he was running for office?

  7. #112
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    darrell74's Avatar SBR PRO
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    hey Money, what is it that you do for work, anyways?

  9. #114
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    I think it also became very apparent that Republicans wanted the US to fail in order for Obama to fail. Peope are not as dumb as that party think and are tired of the bullshit.

  10. #115
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    Quote Originally Posted by darrell74 View Post
    hey Money, what is it that you do for work, anyways?
    Own a tanning salon. Been doing that for 10 years.

  11. #116
    darrell74's Avatar SBR PRO
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    right on
    keep up the good work, money

  12. #117
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    The guys wishing are hoping Obama would get free reign are out of your mind. Honestly, if we are being truthful it is awful to let any party have free reign. Too much of either side is hurtful to the American public. If you are a middle class citizen, which is to say you have a job, a decent place to lay your head at nite and pay your own bills. Than neither party is worth two shits to you. Remember that. In my lifetime I have not been helped by either party. I am one of those old fashoned people that "work" for a living. I have a small business which provides well enough for myself and my family, but I am not a shot caller. I am middle America. If you work "have a job" make your own money and make less than $500,000 a year than you are a peon. Plain in simple. I think most here would be in that category unless you are on the gubment tit.

  13. #118
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    I agree with you. I don't support either party but I do believe they need to work together and not be devisive. The government should be like a family. You don't always get along but you only want the best and you compromise.

    Quote Originally Posted by lyon804 View Post
    The guys wishing are hoping Obama would get free reign are out of your mind. Honestly, if we are being truthful it is awful to let any party have free reign. Too much of either side is hurtful to the American public. If you are a middle class citizen, which is to say you have a job, a decent place to lay your head at nite and pay your own bills. Than neither party is worth two shits to you. Remember that. In my lifetime I have not been helped by either party. I am one of those old fashoned people that "work" for a living. I have a small business which provides well enough for myself and my family, but I am not a shot caller. I am middle America. If you work "have a job" make your own money and make less than $500,000 a year than you are a peon. Plain in simple. I think most here would be in that category unless you are on the gubment tit.

  14. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by paranoyd androyd View Post
    that's all romney focused on, but still lost. he hammered away on fiscal conservatism, smaller gov't, and lowering taxes. absolutely hammered on those issues. and yet, even during one of the lowest financial times for the country, this message still did not resonate.

    this points to a much larger and scarier problem for the country, which is simply this... the majority of people now do not actually believe in any of these tenets. 'conservative' now carries a negative connotation. and people actually want socialism.
    You people are like Leonardo DiCaprio's character in Shutter Island. Everyone else is crazy and you are the only sane ones.. LMFAO!!

    Republicans are quick to accept every excuse for their 2012 loss except the simple idea that their economic thinking was too small for most Americans.

    Most Americans don't wake up in the morning and worry that the government is limiting their freedom by doing too much for them. Polls show most Americans don't even worry about their taxes. More Americans worry about sending their children to schools that will prepare them for the 21st century economy. They worry about shrinking take home pay, longer work hours, fewer benefits, and rising costs while they watch the wealthy in this country take more and more of the pie for themselves. They are infuriated at the thought of billionaire vultures making millions by destroying the economy, and then paying a lower tax rate than the rest of us. What people see is a Republican Party that has done nothing but stonewall them at every attempt to improve the conditions of everyday Americans. It doesn't take a PhD in Economics to see Republicans economic policies for what they really are - Wealth Redistribution.

    Go ahead conservatives, keep thinking that calling people "socialists" and "moochers" is convincing political rhetoric and we'll keep winning elections.
    Last edited by Greget; 11-09-12 at 01:39 PM.

  15. #120
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    I sure heard today all the talk here of them finally working together to get it done. Obama said in a news conference he is willing to compromise with what it takes to get this done. I can see some late night negotiations around Christmas and these guys that has done nothing the last two years may have to work around the holidays. Poor things!

  16. #121
    I don't believe you ... please continue
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    Quote Originally Posted by tblues2005 View Post
    Obama said in a news conference he is willing to compromise with what it takes to get this done.
    let's hope he does.

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    Quote Originally Posted by DwightShrute View Post
    let's hope he does.
    I hope so too. I say both sides need to do this badly. The approval rating of congress is horrible. I did hear Boehner say he will compromise on more revenue. I have some ideas for that but I don't think they would like it though.

  18. #123
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBR_John View Post
    Phenomenal turnout, again.

    Should be interesting to see if there can be some compromise in Washington.

    Now we can get back to sports around here.
    Guy turned out to be a disaster

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    And dont forget Obama wasn't born in the United States!!

  20. #125
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    Quote Originally Posted by SBR_John View Post
    I personally don't think there is a problem. I would rather lose than compromise my core believes which is we should not spend money we don't have and we need to align our tax rates to the rest of the world.

    The real problem is the Democrats have convinced folks its ok to run up trillion dollar deficits and there is no paying the piper. The electorate is not holding their president accountable.

    The Republicans have a majority in the House, enough in the Senate to kill reckless spending and something like 30 Governors. You don't make wholesale changes because an incumbent president is re-elected with 50.2% of the popular vote.
    I wonder if you still feel this way after Trump put three trillion dollars on the debt pre pandemic.

  21. #126
    Huck Fobos
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    Still benefiting from Obama’s economy! Thank you mr president!!

  22. #127
    Org Mafia
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    lmao dumbo still crying about racism 8 years later.. he still thinks hes somewhat important

  23. #128
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    Quote Originally Posted by INVEGA MAN View Post
    And dont forget Obama wasn't born in the United States!!
    ............and WALKER had flown the coop, nowhere to be found.

    Don't believe in these fools folks

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