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Agree or not? Pro athletes should have Incentive/performance-Based Contracts?

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Quote Originally Posted by The General View Post
Agree or not? Pro athletes should have Incentive/performance-Based Contracts?

What are your thoughts?

The biggest measure of a team is how well they do on the season. If there are incentives, it should be tied to how the team does, not the individual. You can put in some individual incentives, but I think a focus on the team should be first.


If you're asking if they should be paid based on performance, I totally agree. But I don't know how that would work. It's ridiculous how certain players sign a huge contract and then get injured or underperform. For example, Andruw Jones signed a 2 year/$36 million dollar contract last year with the Dodgers. He came into camp out of shape and soon was relegated to the bench because of his performance and because the Dodgers had a crowded outfield as it was. Now, the Dodgers released him but he is still getting paid by the Dodgers. It's ridiculous. He got paid $18 million last year to hit .158 and strike out 76 times in 209 ABs.


Quote Originally Posted by Rich Boy View Post
This should be implemented in the NBA, way too many slackers.
Agreed. I notice that players always perform better when in a contract year. Then, they seem to either slack off or under perform the next year and signing that big contract makes the GM and the team look like idiots. I don't know how it can be implemented though. I would definitely have this if it was possible but the egos of some of these players are through the roof. There is no way they would play a game or a week's full of games and then get paid after based on performance. For example, what if they got injured or what if the coach decides not to play him? There are too many variables that need to be looked at if something like this has a chance of happening.


That's hard to do with critical role players. Take a catcher in MLB, for instance. Many catchers are not signed for their bats, rather their ability to call a game, get their pitcher's focus, and various other defensive amenities that can't truly be benchmarked by any statistic. If you were to tie player incentives to team performance, that certainly isn't fair for certain star players who aren't surrounded by any other significant talent. The reality of these types of contracts is that teams are competing for players in the free agency market. If a player has a contract offer on the table that is heavily performance-based versus another offer with guaranteed salary, which would you be more likely to sign? A player is certainly going to insure their financial future when it only takes one play to end their ability to ever sign another contract again.


There are quite a few that seem to slack off once they get that big contract so it could help that matter a bit but Monkey makes a great point. I think role players are just as important as the stars...without them there are quite a few instances where the team wouldn't be complete. They might not put up big numbers night in and night out but still make a big difference for the team as a whole.


Quote Originally Posted by Rich Boy View Post
I think pro athletes make way more money than they should (especially in MLB, give me a break... nobody is worth 30 million a year)

There should be a base salary for all players, then additional money for performance.

there worth every penny, so you think the owners and MLB should just pocket all the cash.....skrew that best players in the world deserve high pay...period


The amount NBA players make on avg is about to change exorbitantly in the next two years, due to an imminent Lockout. Many NBA athletes live paycheck to paycheck, and when they have the Lockout these guys wont be getting paid. The players will have no leverage due to bills not being paid, and will have to give into the NBA's demands.