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Playtime is over - go big on Caps puckline tonight or go home

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Default Playtime is over - go big on Caps puckline tonight or go home

They return home tonight boys after getting smoked on their western swing. You didn't see me touching those games did you.

The rules are: Home ice, Rested, and in some part depending on the opponent.

Value is not the greatest but I would hit it early as I would predict a lot of people would be on them tonight and the price will probably get worse.

+155 5Dimes Reduced Juice find your price. 2 Units here.

I predict a 5-2 final.



Quote Originally Posted by ThaWoj View Post
lotta action on the ducks, 5dimes ML opened at caps -200 down to -175. puck line opened at +150 now up to +168...
I thought it'd go the other way and got it in at +155 in the reduced section.

I always place mine early, just a thing with me.

Ty for the fyi though.