WOW Madcap, It is amazing that you always have so much to say about shit that you have no true knowledge of.

You are aware that there are different sects of Muslims with different ideologies. The USA has stuck its nose in the business of the middle east for decades. This is one of the reasons Al Queda attacks us. They use our interventionism to breed hate.

You say, "the muslims should have took care of their own, now we have to" How ignorant is that??? One of the reasons Al Queda survives is the USA support for dictatorships such as the regime in Suadi Arabi and Egypt (until recently). When young muslims grow up in an unjust society whose gov't is supported by USA aid, it is easy to turn your hate and agression towards the USA.

You act like Jew v. Muslim is the only conflict in the middle east. What about the millenia old confilct between the Sunnis and the Shiates. I mean, I am not a religion or middle east scholar, but it is astonishing to me that many people, even our elected officials, do not understand shit about this.

We start a war under false pretenses in Iraq, where the Sunni minority has controlled the majority for years, and then are shocked when there is civil war that we cannot control. That is just great, turn the country over to the Shiites.

What about when USA was arming Sadam's sunni regime to fight against Shiite Iran? Or, what about when USA armed the Mujahideen in Afghanistan to fight against the Soviets.

You are an ignorant asshole with a worthless opinion on just about everything. Go read a f'n book.