So to me JJ the part I play in a situation is this.

I will be friendly, but not a true friend. I will always leave sexual tension there, I will never be the guy for Shari to come to when Sickler has had too much to drink and has the rubber dinkie (again) and she needs someone to talk to about how it made her feel unpretty.

So a friend in a way, but you cannot drift into the friend zone. In the mean time I keep the search on and wait for the old news to come out of the woodwork. It's like in Swingers J, at the end where he is talking to the new girl and right then the whore of an ex comes on call waiting with all this I love you garbage. It's exactly like that.

J all we can do is live our lives and forget about yesterday's news. GL Sickler, I respect your work - but know that guys like J, Burrito and I are ALWAYS waiting. Always, and when the opportunity presents itself we will not hesitate to pounce