Basically it would be like this. I would make sure it was when Shari came to Detroit. I would invite jj to come to MGM with Shari, Paco, and I, we would gamble etc. Paco, Shari, and I would orchestrate a plan that would leave jj alone with his rooster in his hand. Basically we would set him up and tape it for all posters to see. Shari, Pac, and I would pretend like something would go down with all of us, menajahtwa style. jj would cry and ask if he could sit in a corner and jerkoff. We of course would be just messing around and jj would think we were dead serious. It would embarrass him and he would never be able to live it down. He would try to fight Pac and I and runaway with Shari but Pac and I would just put his ass in an MGM garbage can and head out.