Originally posted on 01/14/2011:

The reasons for solicitation are complicated and labeling everyone that solicits for money as a "bum" is ignorant. This does not stop people from lumping things into easily defined categories however. In this case the more appropriate term would be The Homeless instead of bums because it is more encompassing. Society lumps people into these manageable categories because they don't care, lack the mental/emotional capacity to understand, or are ignorant because it is the easiest path to take. I can't do anything about the first two reasons but maybe we can dispel some ignorance.

Most solicitation stems from substance abuse problems. The addicts buy drugs rarely using the money for food. If they don't receive the money by solicitation they will commit crimes to get it.

Also common is solicitation by the mentally ill (ex soldiers,former mental patients or people who have simply always been sick and never been treated) and the circumstantial homeless (Ex-convict,disability,inability to find work,loss of work,inability to earn a livable wage,bankruptcy due to medical/other debts, inability to pay the mortgage/rent,inability to find proper housing,inability to find child care, plain old poverty etc.)

Within these broad descriptions you will see a lot of intermingling. Some addicts are that way because they are mentally ill, some mentally ill turn to drugs for escape and become addicts, some circumstantial homeless turn to drugs to escape and become addicts, some addicts become mentally deranged due to prolonged drug use etc.

True bums, those that have the capacity to work, but choose not to and supplement their lifestyle with begging for money do exist but they are rare in my experience.

As a side note, getting food is not a problem if you're homeless. The streets are awash with food. There are always shelters/charitable organizations/religious institutions that make food available and dumpsters are overflowing with things that are fit for consumption.

So where does this leave you when you have someone asking you for money? There is a well known proverb that says Walk a mile in another man's shoes. I wish people would take the time to think, and do so. I do not suggest giving money if this contradicts your values but try to think about what would lead someone to do so. Lecturing someone or deriding them is something I consider reprehensible and a sign of poor character.

I know some are quick to dismiss everything I've just wrote citing personal responsibility, pick yourself up by your bootstraps attitude and need for individual sovereignty. I do not disagree but realize this is based on the presumption that one has the ability to do so. Many alas, do not.

You would be surprised at how thin the line is between living life well and devastation. Do not snub your nose at it because one day you might find yourself receiving the same snubbing.