YAK - The intense clarity of your argument has convinced me. It took a while but - thanks to you - I now get it. I have finally grasped the luminous concept you have been trying to communicate to us.

It's incredible that our Founding Fathers could have missed this. Had they only been as brilliant as Obama and yourself they would never have introduced that stupid concept of limited government. F\*\*k, we might have even had the greatest nation in human history if we only realized early on that more and more government is the answer.

So from here on - I'm with you. We clearly need more government. I actually think we can have a utopian society if we only listen to you and turn more of our money over to the benevolent Democrats that we must elect to public office. Like yourself, those guys are intelligent. And they're certainlly a lot more capable and more virtuous than the rest of us - especially more so than those evil people who don't go into "public service" and who have too much money. I now see that those rich pigs in the private sector only have so much because they stole it from us. I no longer believe that bullshit about them earning any of it by producing goods and services in a free market. I now see that we need to take it from them and redistribute it to the more virtuous and deserving people you and the government officials can easily identify for us. Man, these are really great new ideas you have. It's amazing no one ever thought of these things before. Do you know if Obama thought of this all by himself? I have heard that he's amazingly intelligent.

I'm thinking that these ideas could be as successful in turning our nation's economy around as Obama's amazing diplomatic talents have been in solving that terrible problem we used to have of other nations hating us.

Now I see why you guys dig yourselves so much. Who wouldn't? Count me in, comrade.