Entry fee: 10 points

payout: 1st place 70%: 2nd place 30%

for example, if ten people sign up, and there is 100 points in the pot, then the winner gets 70 points and 2nd place gets 30 ponts.

1. Sides and Totals only

2. you must make a total of 10 plays in any league you want

3. all plays will be for 1 unit, so if you have a play at +150 (2.5) on a team and it wins you win 1.5 units. If you have a play on a team thats -150 (1.5) and you loose you loose 1.5 units and so on.

4. when you post a play you need to post the play and line and what book it was at, so i can verify the odds.

5. You can sign up anytime, as long as you can make a total of 10 plays.

6. you can post any play thats a match on friday, dec. 3rd, saturday, dec.4th, or sunday, dec. 5th.