I have a question about the Orlando game, hope it doesn't get lost in all the nonsense.

Do you guys think Orlando line is gonna move back down to -9? Its a JM play and the public is pounding the shit out of Phoenix (78-86%) but there was some RLM already. You think it has a shot at going down tomorrow?

I really wish you guys would clean this thread up a bit. Let Lyon/LB post their picks and discuss them. Wtf is the point of the rest of these posts like

a) "damn", "shit", "ouch" reaction to every play in the game.
b) OMG the line moved half a point should i get a divorce and quit my job? when are you gonna start asking LB which drawers to put on in the morning, jesus, make a ******* decision on your own for once!
c) the haters, really you have nothing better to do?
d) not as bad as the haters but still rather annoying and pointless, the rooster riders.

There is about 5-10 pages of amazing info and picks in this thread, what the other 118 are i dont know.

I apologize if this post itself was also annoying but i had i wanted to make in there somewhere.