Originally posted on 10/22/2010:

Quote Originally Posted by rkelly110 View Post
I understand the workers on here are pissed about us unemployed, because of jealousy.
I'll bet you guys would love to be laid off for a month or two. Don't even fck'n lie to
me or yourself.

You don't know the emotional stress that comes with a permanent layoff. You don't know
how it feels to put in 20 yrs, get let go, feel all used up, put in applications without the
courtesy of a phone call telling you they don't want you, hearing on the news, older unemployed
aren't getting hired. (let's have a pity party)

Why in my right mind, take a fck'n $8 hr job or two, just to save the govt money? That's if they
would hire me. When my benefits run out, I might have to. Until then I will look for work I can live on.

Do you think the welfare people feel bad about taking money? Hell NO! How 'bout putting them
on 26 weeks of benefits. You think France is bad, what would happen if the govt stopped welfare.

The republicans fck'd me for 6 weeks with their little delay and I remember that shit.
My states Rep Governor candidate, I was going to vote for, made a comment similar to what
you people say, and guess what, he's not getting my vote.

How long for benefits? When job creation is greater than 100,000 per month for a min. of 3 months.
It might take another two years until Obama gets the fck out.
Here's you're whole frickin' problem you weak minded pansy:

you write why take an $8 hr job just to save the government money?

It's not the F*CKING GOVERNMENT's money!! It's MY money you selfish lazy twat. You want me and everybody else to support your whiny indolence. Typical liberal.

You think you're the only one that can't find a job? I've been under-employed the last 8 months. I hate my job. I make $11.00 an hour. It sucks. You know what I spend my free time doing? Looking for better jobs---OR---trying to create my own job. It is difficult. It is stressful. It is hard. That's LIFE. GROW THE EFF UP!! I'm not even 30 and I've got more emotional maturity than you. That's pathetic.

Quit blaming successful people for your problems and stop making excuses. You and you alone are responsible for your failures. That's the beautiful thing about freedom.

"With great power, comes great responsibility" as Peter Parker likes to say. Well you have the great power of freedom, what comes with it is the great responsibility of manning up and providing for yourself. And if you can't find someone else that's providing for himself, and in doing so, giving jobs to others to help them provide for themselves-then you've got to figure out some way to do it for yourself. Hold a bake sell. Wash cars in your driveway. Mow your neighbor's lawn. Whatever. But quit whining about how it's everyone else's fault. Some of us are out there busting our humps everyday for weak pay, hoping we can find better jobs, saving as much as we can to bolster that pursuit, and you're going to sit around with your palms turned up to me when your freeloading ass can't handle a little stress? You're just going to take and not give back, and in doing so limit the available resources floating around for the rest of us working people to use to get our lives back on track?

You can go to hell man. And you can rot there with the rest of your excuse-ridden, failure-enabling, mediocrity-aspiring flunkie friends.