Quote Originally Posted by golfrulz View Post
imo this is not a rep or dem issue but an issue that still divides us and that is sad. I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character.
Martin Luther King, Jr. sadly that day might never come.
I could be wrong, but I tend to think most of the animosity directed toward the dude that sucker punched that girl is less about racism and more about cultural prejudice. I highly doubt anybody here trashing the guy would hold the same contempt for folks like, say, Grant Hill, Will Smith, Chris Gardner, Thomas Sowell, Carter Beauford, etc. Unless, of course, those guys came up on a girl from behind and knocked her lights out. But then those guys wouldn't do that. And that's the whole point.

This guy is being judged for the content of his character-the character one must have (or lack thereof) that leads you into thinking it's acceptable to hit a woman.

The racial components of this judgment that you see are less about racism, and more about cultural specificity, and come into play with no more maliciousness than when uppity white liberals denounce southern baptists as dumb white trash rednecks when they protest gay marriage.

Each race has it's own subsect of individuals that behave in a crude uncivilized manner; the particular individual being castigated here is simply being called out for acting as a member of that racial subsect. It's no different than when some dumb-ass white supremacist neo-nazi bumpkin gets condemnation thrown his way for acting like a worthless piece of shit.

These subsects are just as frequently, and usually more so, denounced by members of their own race than those of other races who observe this loathesome behavior.

Take this guy "Bubb Rubb" in the following news story:


I laughed my ass off. Just thought it was funny. On the other hand, my friend Darryl said, "people like that set our race back 500 years." And that's the way it is for all racial subsects. White trash trailer park residents set back whites, (especially southern Democrat and christian conservative whites) and drunk driving, drug peddling illegals set back Hispanics, and so on and so on.

Those individuals who want to be judged by the content of their character usually are, for they learn how to develop their unique talents that transcend their racial identity. It's those that fail to develop themselves as unique people that end up conforming to the worst stereotypes of their racial background, and therefore fail to transcend their racial identity, and are defined in such negative ways.

Does this make any sense?