We can't expect to have a limited government at home while we have an interventionist foreign policy
abroad. The two are intertwined, as the last 8 years have shown us. If we truly want limited government, then
we need to stop policing the world.

Our fighting men and women are stationed on over 700 bases in more than 100 countries. It is time to
bring them home to protect our own country instead of focusing on guarding other nations.

The war on terror has awakened more Americans than ever to the way government exploits fear, and
even its own failures, to justify eroding civil liberties. You cannot have limited government at home while
having a big-government foreign policy.

A strong national defense doesn't mean policing the world, launching preemptive war, or having troops
stationed on every continent. Those things weaken our national defense by spreading our resources too thin
and bankrupting our government at home.