Originally posted on 05/19/2024:

Quote Originally Posted by str View Post
Sorry I haven’t posted.
Been talking and betting since the 3 rd. Lol.
Going to work on the 12 th but will be sure and post the Preakness thoughts prior to.
As we get older, we get together less. Sign of the times I guess. But as a result, the stories and the laughter fly and every time we looked up there was 6 minutes to post time and we had barely started handicapping.

So I apologize for not posting more. There was plenty to talk about yesterday with the racing. Like, how about the 1 post getting left badly in 4 straight sprints. Couldn't blame the jocks. The 1st three were HOF'ers. Forget the 4th one. No fault I could see from the handlers in the gate. That was totally weird.
There were several other things as well. We had a winner that dropped in half after the race started on the tote board. On a huge handle day no less. Thanks CAW's. Boy does that crap need to be fixed. You wonder why casual players are skeptical of horse racing? Stuff like that cannot be acceptable but yet it is.

Anyway, great time yesterday. We had some winners and plenty of laughs. That too me is a great day at the track.

I will post on some previous comments and any new ones you might have and get caught up asap.

Hope you all had a good day yesterday.

All the best.