Originally posted on 04/18/2023:

Quote Originally Posted by guitarjosh View Post
Statistics that count an adult driving to a school overnight and killing himself as a school shooting is propaganda. I'm not cherry-picking anything, I'm adding context, something you didn't do. If you want to look at statistics, you'd see that semi-automatic mag fed rifles are responsible for a few hundred gun deaths a year. Banning them will at best be a drop in the bucket. We already have background checks for people buying a gun to see if they have a violent history, dishonorable discharge, felony convictions, and it is a felony to lie on that form. I have a better idea than checking to see if they have a violent history: if they're too dangerous to have a gun, they're too dangerous to be in public and should be locked up.

A lot of other countries have a serious problem with guns, including countries with much more restrictive gun laws than America. Explain why Constitutional Carry states like Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine have a significantly lower gun homicide rate than Chicago or D.C., which have very restrictive gun laws.

Thanks for admitting that your numbers include legal adults. What is your plan? When almost 36% of children gun deaths in 2021 were from suicide, how do you stop that? Are you wanting to ban all guns? Any gun that wil kill a large animal or defend against people trying to physically harm you will also cause suicide.

I don't peddle in black vs white stuff at all, I was literally posting numbers from Pew Research. Does the fact that over 38% of gun deaths were black children getting gunned down bother you at all? Do you really think that access to guns is the main problem they face, and if that access to guns would be cut off, their problems would be eliminated? If you really believe that, I can't help but shake my head, you're quite naive.
What's it worth, a child's life? What's saving one worth, 10, 20, 50,.
One child going home that would not have, may not matter to most.
Until it's your child, sister or brother, nephew or niece .
Or maybe it would not matter then.
I do not pretend to know the best answer, but never say there is nothing that can be done, like the cowards that make up the Tennessee state government.