Originally posted on 02/19/2023:

There are ony 3 things Carter did or allowed to happen which his haters always harp on.
They are nothing compared to the kind of mistakes other presidents have made.

1) They say the economy was bad. It was not. What Carter didn't do like everyone since is try to juice Wall Street by debauching the dollar and increasing debt. He kept interest rates high which kept prices cheap for buyers (young), and fixed-income (seniors). The ones who complain are the bubble proponents. They want bubbles in real estate and stocks - which ironically enough only causes more inflation and wealth siphoning to the investment upper class... and a need for more welfare.
2) He took us out of the 1980 Summer Olympics in Moscow, to protest the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. Meh.
3) Iran Hostage Crisis -- which is the main reason he lost to Reagan. Turns out, Reagan had a secret deal with Iran on this!

In retrospect, the Jimmy Carter years were pretty damn good for the USA. I miss the 70s.