Originally posted on 02/08/2023:

Quote Originally Posted by Kermit View Post
The United Sates averaged the same Death number per Covid cases as the rest of the world which was roughly 1 in 100.

Australia's death count per Covid cases was far far less than the average for the rest of the world at 1 in 500.

I am not sure how lock downs kept people who got Covid in Australia from dying. There had to be more factors than just keeping people from interacting with one another. Perhaps better health, weather. etc.

Or maybe some countries were were reporting truthfully while others were not.
in the case of the usa, public health officials and vaccine salesmen now readily admit that the deaths were way overcounted... people on hospice were counted, people were stuck on ventilators that ended up killing them, same with remdesevir (run, death is near)

imagine a disease so deadly that nobody heard any ambulances, and you didn't even know you had it unless you were tested

i totally agree with optional though that the us "health care" system is ridiculous... western medicine is focused on keeping their customers sick, and treating symptoms rather than the underlying cause... food supply is full of garbage and anyone on TV over the past few years talking about "health" mentioned getting injected with toxic waste and restricting breathing with a mask, rather than fresh air, exercise, and eating healthier