Originally posted on 12/06/2022:

Quote Originally Posted by guitarjosh View Post
He better hurry or the left will beat him to it.

It's the left who claims the Constitution is living and breathing and should be reinterpreted on a regular basis.
It's the left who claims the Constitution is hundreds of years old and should have no bearing in today's world.
It's the left who claims the Constitution is irredeemable, as it was written by slave-owning white men.
It's the left who claims no Constitutional right is absolute. I have to ask, when is my 6th Amendment right to an impartial jury, legal counsel, call witnesses on my behalf, etc not absolute?
When is my 5th Amendment right to not have to testify against myself or protecting me against double jeopardy not absolute?
When is my 8th Amendment right to not have cruel and unusual punishments inflicted not absolute? Of course they can just claim the torture they want to inflict isn't cruel and unusual, or reinterpret the Constitution and say, "It says cruel AND unusual. This is very cruel, but common, and therefore not banned by the 8th Amendment", and watch them be okay with it.