Originally posted on 09/18/2022:

Quote Originally Posted by goduke View Post
DeSantis called it a sanctuary. Why couldnt he have contacted someone and organized the process. Instead he just acted like an idiot who saw an opportunity to get cameras and media attention on himself to appeal to his uneducated Trump base.
Quote Originally Posted by Thor4140 View Post
That is what red meat Ron does and these jackasses fall for it every time he does it. His best was when he demanded CRT stop being taught in Florida when in fact it never was. The guy is the biggest phony out there that is why dumb ignorant assholes love him.
Why would he contact someone and organize the process? The Biden Admin has been flying and bussing illegals around the country secretly in the middle of the night. They need to recognize the problems they cause, so doing the same to them in their hometown "sanctuaries" is the best way to make them do it. You people are ridiculous.