Originally posted on 06/12/2022:

Quote Originally Posted by TheRifleman View Post
- there would be no war in the Ukraine. President Putin highly respected and feared the Honorable Donald J. Trump and wouldn't dare double cross him.
- gas prices would STILL be 2$ a gal. as the manmade global warming hoax would not have been an excuse to stupidly cancel the Keystone Pipeline and the incompetent idiotic illegal xiden regime paused oil extraction permits.

- inflation would NOT be surging because of irresponsible out of control government spending and burdensome regulations...IDIOTS!!

- the ridiculous covid hoax would have been put to rest....

- QUALIFIED people would be running the major agencies in the US Government not the unqualified clowns we have now

illegal immigration is stealing livable wages from hard working Americans and is contributing greatly to the OUT OF CONTROL CRIME WAVE SWEEPING AMERICA just to name a few things..!!! this would have been stopped dead in it's tracks!!

this is inDISPUTABLE!!!

you dummies!!
You think Putin is afraid of Trump? Put them in a locked room, see who comes out!
A former KGB officer is afraid of a real estate salesman born with a golden spoon in his mouth that played a reality TV clown?

I would pay $100 wait $500 for that PPV and take Putin at -1000

We would be the only country in the world with no inflation and low gas prices that would be great. I got some beach front property in Arizona cheap, after you pay you get a weekend with the Don.
You must have forgot. Ill remined you covid HOAX started on his watch

In 2020 was when the out of control crime wave started. Who was POTUS then. It didn't stop dead it its tracks

The war in Afghanistan? It continued for the 4 years when was POTUS what happened ?