Originally posted on 05/29/2022:

Quote Originally Posted by Booya711 View Post
Most liberals are gay
Just like Republicans who fuk little boys in the ass!.....I'm a Democrat and don't like Liberals either, and the it's the same exact way with Republicans who don't like far right wing whack jobs...truth be told, it's those extremist on both sides of the pendulum that gives both parties a bad name...but unlike yourself, I don't sit there and judge an entire group of people based on party affiliation...I treat every person on an individual basis...come on, Booya...I had the pleasure of talking to you on the phone and you are a cool cat as far as I'm concerned...but you've got to understand and realize that nobody gives one fuk about us...all of those assholes on Capitol Hill are butt-buddies all out for themselves...and all of those scumbags are enjoying a privileged lifestyle compliments of our hard earned tax dollars...and anyone that thinks differently is an ignorant dumbass.