Originally <a href='https://www.sportsbookreview.com/forum/showthread.php?p=30858708'>posted</a> on 04/26/2022:

I try to present a little for every type of bettor. Some of you will know of this. Some of you practice this. Regardless of your level of bettor, from a fan to one seeking correlation, I hope it is a good watch...

Here are some relevant links that I also hope would be a good read, or watch, no matter your level.

KVB's Intro...


The Scott Foster thread that isn't about Scott Foster. Again, no matter your level of bettor I hope it's good read, there is something for everyone there...


The USFL thread...


From the psychology corner I talk about Red Flags and how one mistake can lead to another. Even in this linked post, I made a mistake, and had to post again to clear it up...


Thank you for following along, if you are, and, again, for all levels of bettors, I hope you get something out of it for your time.