Originally posted on 04/25/2022:

Observations. I know many many gamblers relatives as well. Grandpa couldn’t leave the horse track to save his life. My other grandpa took the cake though he brought degenerate gambler to a all new level. My father told me a good story once of my grandpa dad and grandma who planned a weekend in Vegas for a vacation so they drove from LA got to Vegas my grandpa had them wait in the car to check into hotel. He came out and lost all the vacation money they had to get in the car and drive back home. I’d compare compulsive gambling to the likes of drug addiction. Have your highs and lows… self anger regrets then go for another one. Then anger again regrets… I predominantly have had a winning sports betting career as I managed to cash out far more then I ever even had to lose. The amount of time and consumption it took into my life made me not a so happy person. This is not a blanket statement. Sure some have fun and are wise with their money and just enjoy it. Probably 2 percent. The rest lie. Even the ones acting the most put together are probably secretly chasing away at night. Look I’m not here to rain on no parades but from my experience most gamblers are anti social depressed angry un happy individuals. Sure some are all over SBR having fun but in real life most are probably more content with a bottle of booze and some sports to watch and some wagers. They could consume them all weekend. Some maybe filling a void. Lots on here have 6 figure and up careers and this is what they like to do as well… no problem or beef with anyone…. Simply stating gamblers are never happy (greed always want more) and angry. The greed is the best part because most could easily throw down 2k on a game yet bitch and moan about a dentist bill or any other expense…. Or many if they do win don’t want to spend a dime of it…. If I’m wrong Ok but I think deep down most know I’m not.