Originally posted on 11/28/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by The Kraken View Post
Hey Opti

Seriously, You guys gonna reign in Morino a bit with new owners looking at the forum????

This thread is just another example of him spamming his classic "dumb shit" which he has done for years, even though the broader conversation has nothing to do with him


Its obviously annoying but also embarrassing
Just looked at your link.

Are you saying it's embarrassing for SBR that Firedawg's off topic comment in the Notre Dame thread that "Morino is a cuck" was allowed?

Or embarrassing for SBR that we let Thomorino reply "dumb shit"?

Seriously, there is 4 or 5 people you happen to like in that thread who are completely off topic doing nothing but personally attacking Thomorino. His first comment in the thread was directly in response to the OP, about sport, and on topic.

How on earth do you expect a mod to punish the guy doing write ups and making sport comments and leave the trolls? You do not seem to realize it's not Thomorino but those 4 or 5 obsessed people who create the entire problem you have. It's out of Thomorinos hands if they offer him stupid personal attack posts to quote and reply "dumb shit" to every single day and will not stop it. We can't tell him to not reply to being called a cuck by saying dumb shit seriously can we?

As a mod, it' a head scratcher that seemingly intelligent posters like yourself and Steve Nash can't seem to see how silly, petty and biased you look complaining about him all the time. He must feel like he is on a never ending winning streak the way he plays his "fan base" here.

I hope you might see why I do not see Thomorino as the problem. And maybe you can help by yelling at posters like Tuesday to stop the daily cycle of stupidity if you want to see less posts by Thomorino.