Originally posted on 07/09/2021:

I wrote this back in 2016 when Trump was elected. I really thought we could beat back these leftist socialist idiots. I was wrong.


When we think of socialism, the things that immediately come to mind is equality, fairness, equal pay, free this and free that and the list goes on and on. In these short paragraphs I'm going to try to explain why socialism is the most dangerous threat to humankind in this world’s existence. It is imperative that this form of tyrannical ideology and governmental system must be defeated at all costs.

Throughout the history of the world, there have been great and brilliant men and women that have risen up above their peers and have led their people to greatness. The reason for this is there will always be individuals that want to strive for great things and will continually reach for the stars, always pushing the boundaries and limits of individual achievements, weather it's in sports, business, acquiring wealth, inventions, healing the sick, academia and so much more. There is one common component that spawns all of these things, and that is the essence of opposition and competition. It is in our nature to persue and challenge the mysteries of creativity to achieve greatness.

There is however, an ideology that is completely adverse to individual achievement and success and that is socialism. The very definition of socialism strips away the rights of individuals by making the public or group of people in charge of goods and services, of ownership and property, and distribution of these goods for public need. What this does, is take you, the individual, and make you part of a collective that works for the collective that is controlled by the governing body to produce just enough goods and services for the population to meet current needs regardless of how productive you are as your wages are set based on what you do and not how well you do it. You, in turn become just another spoke in that ever turning wheel of mediocrity and never can you go above and beyond and be rewarded for it.

Socialistic behavior is spawned from the individual that does not accept failure as a learning experience, which causes them to become envious and jealous of those that succeed. They often point to the rich and successful as the cause of all their problems, berating them and attacking their progress. They seek like minded individuals with the same weaknesses and form communities to Justify them. They often turn this into a political movement involving liberal politicians that back them with taxpayer money and the media crying racism, bigotry, and income inequality that point fingers at the prominent businessmen who actually create the jobs and move the economy forward. Throughout history, never has a single socialistic country out performed a free market capitalistic one simply because businessmen, innovators and thinkers, investors and entrepreneurs will never settle for just enough to survive.

There is no class system. There are only those at work to produce goods needed to survive and the rich that are in control of government and can vote to take from you anything they want and regulate you any way they see fit to continue feeding the collective. There is no free market competition because everything is regulated by government. There is in fact so much regulation that achievement and progression is punished by government which levies heavy taxes upon the production of its people. The collective itself can only be as strong as its weakest member which leads inevitably to failure and never to great heights of success. The rich benefit from the heavy taxes and become dictators leading the government. The more powerful they become, the more they become detached to the people widening the gap from the rich to the equally poor. More money is printed as prices for goods and services increases to the limit where they become unaffordable which continues a vicious cycle of skyrocketing inflation.

Dictators in power enrich themselves and keep the military strong to stay in control of the unarmed people. The economy wanes because of no competition and no one to invest in businesses that are stagnant. People look to flee from an enormous tax burden making production of the state weaker. The ever turning wheel of equality begins to breakdown as production grinds to a halt. The health care and education system stalls from lack of funds from the government. Riots and civil unrest ensue as people starve and businesses close down. The perfect utopian dream of a socialistic society is nothing more than a collective of chaos with unproductive citizens, riots, and rebellions against its own government.

The deadly result of this government is not only millions upon millions of deaths at the hands of government and dictators that will do absolutely anything to stay in power including killing their own family members and imprisoning the population from the outside world, but it is the unnatural state of having no freedom or individuality whatsoever that is the single greatest threat, for man without freedom is no man at all but a caged slave living on the the plantation all over again. The very things that God almighty has given us that we hold so dear are stripped away and forgotten. The citizenry becomes dull and complacent. They toil in the fields and factories like robots without a soul. They cry out for freedom but it falls on deaf ears for the perfect utopian dream of equality has come true for them but turned into a nightmare of equal slaves with nothing until their deaths.

Let the victims that try to escape this form of government tell you what it's really like. Talk to people that have experienced and lived under this kind of tyranny. Let the tens of millions of dead be a reminder of the final result of a failed promise of a perfect utopia. Really listen and analyze these so-called politicians that push for this agenda Like Bernie Sanders who tries to sell falsehoods to the American people acting like your friend that wants to give you everything for free but behind your back will raise taxes so high that you won't be able to afford anything. We are slowly and gradually heading down this path and though the election of our current president has stalled it a bit because of our voice, the shadow government behind closed doors secretly tries to remove him from power because to them the people that are more powerful than government cannot and must not stand in a socialistic nation state.