Originally posted on 07/05/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by NrmlCurvSurfr View Post
What should we do, keep wearing masks and stay inside? If COVID is here, it’s not going anywhere..get the “vaccine” or not, and move on…
Do what you're comfortable with.

We know things that help decrease transmission are washing hands, wearing masks and somewhat social distancing. The biggest thing is to get the vaccine.

But those things arent fun or sexy, and people perceive their "freedoms" are being taken away when those are implemented.

I live in one of the most locked down counties during the pandemic and I never felt I missed out on anything except the gym. In which case I bought a bunch of kettlebells and am in better shape now than ever. I'll never go back to the gym now.

Bars shut down so I drank with friends at the beach. No treadmills so I biked a shit ton more. I wore/wear a mask inside and near crowds and dont mind it at all.

So what you do is up to you. But if you worked with me for one week I promise you'd be more aware of the real danger to healthy people and prolly do more than you are now to prevent yourself from getting it