Originally posted on 04/29/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by Mac4Lyfe View Post
So I just randomly searched for threads created by Kermit. Out of 20 post you created, 16 were race baiting, let's get white people angry. 4 posts were not. So 80% of your threads are race baiting shit stirring.
Mac, I am going to stop you right here.

The very first link that you have posted about Portland is a thread NOT created by me, and neither are the 3rd, 4th, or 5th links. In fact, I bet if I go down that list, there are even more.

You just keep posting more and more inaccurate information.

If I am not allowed to post in other people's threads and give my opinion, then what is the point of having a message forum?

According to Joy "Mac" Behar, this is a racist post in a thread that I didn't even create, but Mac claims that I did.

Mac, you should go take a seat next to the Tidy-Bowl Man.