Originally posted on 04/07/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by MalikHusam View Post
Is there a chart showing how many blocks were mined in the last hour/24hours etc? I sent a transaction last night with a really low fee (under $1) and another today with a 'just low' fee (around $6), neither is confirmed now. First one was sent 28+ hours ago, second one - around 6 hours ago. Any guesses of when either might get confirmed?


Fees are running about 60 sats/vb right now.
Your tx will probably take a couple/few days
I always try to get my tx in with about 10 sats/vb or under a $1 but that is more difficult lately unless you don't care how long it takes
If your wallet support RBF you can bump the tx fee
I also check https://twitter.com/CoreFeeHelper on twitter to get a rough estimate of current fees