Originally posted on 03/16/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by stake1 View Post
Can’t wait to see what he does when the next “virus” arrives. In between cancelling Dr Seuss and the World Series, biden has killed Marvelous Marvin and Hammerin Hank. Both assumed to have voted for trump
You’re a fuk’in idiot and a disgrace to everything the Grateful Dead and Bob Weir stands for. I know for a fact you ignorant fuk’in blowhard, if Bob knew you were using his picture as your avatar, he’d tell you to go fuk yourself! There’s certainly no assumption as to how fuk’in dumb you are.

You may get your wish dip shit, because the “next” virus and its variants are already here. And considering the way ignorant fuks like you have failed to heed the warnings, the next one could very well wipe us all out.

At least president Biden actually gives a fuk about idiots like you and is actually doing something to save lives.

By the way, Bob ask me to send you a personal message.