Originally posted on 01/13/2021:

Quote Originally Posted by dante1 View Post
might be too late. Many registered R in PA have already changed their party affiliation. if it is happening in PA I am sure it happening in other states also.

two, I mean three, political disasters in the past 50 years all three given to us with love from the R party.
The republican party actually gave the country one disaster the architect of Iraq War II Bush #2.

What about Nixon? How about this!

If it were not for Watergate Nixon would have gone down as a top tier president.

He succeeded where liberalism’s best and brightest had failed. He ended the Vietnam War with honor, brought all our troops and POWs home, opened up China, negotiated historic arms agreements with Moscow, proposed to Congress two bills to stop excessive busing & ended the draft.

He even threw the left wingers a bone or two by desegregated southern schools, enacting the 18-year-old vote,
created the EPA, OSHA and National Cancer Institute, and was rewarded by a grateful nation with a 61% landslide.

Even as Watergate broke, he ordered the airlift that saved Israel in the Yom Kippur War, for which Golda Meir called him the best friend Israel ever had.

His enemies were beside themselves with rage and resentment.

Nixon’s great failing was in not realizing that in the city to which he came in 1969, he was not dealing with garden variety snakes, but with vipers.

'Trumpism hasn't been the death of the GOP', Trumpism in fact created a Republican revival.
That's why the hate!

James Carville big time Clinton strategist, stated in "40 More Years:
'How Democrats Will Rule the Next Generation."
America's diversifying and increasingly liberal youth
voters would secure a lasting Democratic majority.
Made sense even to me after all more than half of Americans
born in this century are not white & now age ready
to vote. What happened, Trump happened. Maga is not just a slogan'